Followup – Corrects Errors in Euthanasia Story While Associated Press Ignores Its Errors

…my blog (it’s not the first of this type with the AP). I am including the URL and two excerpts from the blog that lays out the problems as well as document the inaccuracy of the info in the article: After that, I included relevant sections excerpts of the blog entry, explaining that the description of “terminally ill” and “unbearable pain” were both incorrect in terms of Dutch guidelines for euthanasia. And of course I included the links to the D…

Time Magazine – Sloppy and Inaccurate Kevorkian Obit Written by News Director in “Person of the Year” Issue

…fact-deficient Kevorkian obit. Speaking of the obit, there are very few comments on it right now and two of them are mine. Please go visit the following URL and add your comment or at least add a “like” to one of mine.–Stephen Drake…

Action Alert! Speak Out on Proposed Rules for ‘Procuring’ Organs from People with Disabilities

…ments on the proposal. You can access the proposed rules by accessing this URL: It’s proposal number 9 on the list. Below is the text of the prewritten letter on the Capwiz site. You are more than welcome to modify or personalize the letter (or write your own entirely). This is purely for information purposes – this letter is already on the Capwiz page so you don’t have to copy any of this to send a comment – just go to t…

Montana: Diane Coleman Letter on Elder Abuse and Assisted Suicide Published in Missoulian

…g. Diane Coleman, President/CEO, Not Dead Yet, Rochester, New York (note – URL in text above is different than the one that originally appeared in the letter. The Elder Abuse Daily site seems to be defunct – sadly, organizations that concern themselves with reporting and preventing elder abuse have a harder time finding funding than assisted suicide advocates, it seems. The link provided above is to a snapshot of the original page, courtesy of the…

Robin Williams and the Hypocrisy of Suicide Prevention Organizations

…cross the country with the message “My Life My Death My Choice,” and their URL printed underneath. One of the first appeared in the San Francisco area. The Bay Citizen, an independent newspaper, published an article with two suicide prevention professionals responding to the billboard: “This is irresponsible and downright dangerous; it is the equivalent of handing a gun to someone who is suicidal,” wrote Lanny Berman, president of the Internationa…