Minnesota Supreme Court Rules Online Suicide Predator Melchert-Dinkel Protected by First Amendment

…l Exit Members have been on hold pending the outcome of this case. Theoretically, prosecutions in both the Melchert-Dinkel and Final Exit Network cases are possible in terms of suicide assistance, but in reality probably much less likely in the case of Melchert-Dinkel, who never came into physical contact with his targets. There’s a stronger case for assistance in terms of the Final Exit Network, with several members facing various charges regardi…

Equality, Dignity, Diversity, Pride

…iscapacidad” y tenemos un mensaje: IGUALDAD Todo ser humano tiene el mismo valor. Las leyes que tratan algunas vidas como dignas de protección, y otras vidas como un valor que termina, son discriminatorias. DIGNIDAD La dignidad no es una limosna, y nuestros médicos no nos la pueden dar en forma de una receta letal. No necesitamos morir para tener dignidad. Ya la tenemos. DIVERSIDAD La diversidad humana es una hermosa realidad. No hay un tipo ideal


…se who want to join in talking, grieving and learning to get together physically. On Thursday, August 4th, the Disability Visibility Project will be hosting an online vigil and chat starting at 8 PM ET. Here’s the info from the site: Online Vigil and Chat Disabled People of Tsukui Yamayuri En Sagamihara, Japan Thursday, August 4, 2016 8 pm Eastern 9 am Japan (Aug. 5)   The Disability Visibility Project will be partnering with disabled filmmaker an…

Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Approaching Death Requests Public Comments Via Online Survey By November 1st

…ress release urging the Committee to add disability representation, specifically Kelly Buckland of the National Council on Independent Living, to its membership. Disability representation was not added. (It should be noted that the National Council on Disability’s Fernando Torres-Gil is a member of the Committee, but his background and expertise is in aging rather than disability.) At the Committee’s second of five meetings, held in the Bay Area i…

John Kelly’s Response to IOM Online Survey or “We Love Our Tubes!”

…e advocate I know suggested that we need a disability educational campaign called ‘We Love Our Tubes’ or ‘Tube Pride.’” That advocate was John Kelly. Here, he tells more of his story to the Committee, responding to Question 1 of the online survey that closed last Friday. John’s response is also available on the Public Policy section of our website here. – Diane] I am a 55-year-old white man who is a quadriplegic based on a spinal cord injury in 19…