Amicus Brief of Not Dead Yet et al (Disability Rights Amici) in Myers v. Schneiderman in NY Appellate Division

…y in Ensuring Decisions to Die Are Not Coerced or Made by Others Is a Critical State Interest…………………………….. 17   The Law’s Assumption that Suicide is “Rational” When Committed by a Person with a Disability is Not Valid 18   The Uncertainty of Diagnosing a “Terminal Illness”…………………. 19   The Appellants’ Assumption that Disability Intrinsically Deprives Life of Dignity and Value Is Not Valid 20   III. The Creation of a New York Constitutional Right t…

Prepare to Take Action: National Disability Leadership Alliance Calls for Real Medicaid Reform

Prepare to Take Action: National Disability Leadership Alliance Calls for Real Medicaid Reform [Note: Not Dead Yet is part of the National Disability Leadership Alliance. We share a deep concern about proposed Medicaid cuts that threaten both home and community based services and other essential, life sustaining health care services. This is a critical time when we must work in coalition to make our voices heard.] As the White House and congressi…

Statement of the National Disability Leadership Alliance on the 23rd Anniversary of the Signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act

…people with disabilities have equal opportunity in employment, state and local government, places of public accommodation, and telecommunications. Despite the ADA’s promise of equal opportunity for people with disabilities, it is clear that more work must be done so that people with disabilities are to be valued as equal citizens and welcomed in all aspects of American life. Today, far too many people with disabilities are forced to live in instit…

NDY Joins National Alliance to Support Proposed Federal Resolution Opposing Legalization of Assisted Suicide

…oon.” This Alliance has brought many people together from across the political and social spectrum including medical professionals, groups that advocate for persons with disabilities, people who experience depression, and the elderly, as well as advocates for people with terminal illness, and others. Statements from Coalition Partners on Federal Legislation: Diane Coleman, President/CEO of Not Dead Yet: “As a national, secular, social justice orga…

Third Annual National Day of Mourning: Is Your City Holding an Event?

This is a brief and belated call to action. Saturday, March 1st will be the 3rd annual National Day of Mourning. To find out whether an event is planned in your area, please go here, where you can also find information on how to hold an event. We have templates for announcements, press releases and everything else to you need to share our message and call for equal protection of the law. All you need to be able to add your city to the growing lis…