Oppose the Legalization of Assisted Suicide!

…ed suicide! Assisted suicide is bad medicine, a prescription for abuse! So-called safeguards are hollow. Too dangerous: Many disability organizations and the American Medical Association oppose legalization If this bill passes, some people’s lives will be ended without their consent, through mistakes and abuse. No safeguards have ever been enacted or proposed that can prevent this outcome, which can never be undone. • Deadly mix: Assisted suicide…

NDLA Action Alert! (Wed, July 13): Contact the White House to Oppose Arbitrary Medicaid Cuts

…Wed, July 13): CONTACT THE WHITE HOUSE TO OPPOSE ARBITRARY MEDICAID CUTS! Call and Email the White House TODAY! NDLA URGES YOU TO CONTACT THE WHITE HOUSE TO OPPOSE ARBITRARY MEDICAID CUTS! Call Toll Free at 1-888-245-0215 using the talking points below, and then Take Action to email key White House Officials. As the White House and congressional leaders look for ways to trim federal spending, Medicaid is squarely on the chopping block. The Nation…

NDY insta a USCIS a revertir las políticas que matan a niños inmigrantes enfermos y con discapacidad

…cionarios estadounidenses dieron otro paso contra las personas inmigrantes al finalizar la adjudicación de las solicitudes de “acción diferida”. Estas solicitudes evitan temporalmente la deportación de individuos y familias vulnerables que enfrentan circunstancias convincentes, y a menudo potencialmente mortales. Muchos solicitantes de acción diferida son niños con afecciones médicas graves como ncer, fibrosis quística y epilepsia. Estas polític…

Suicide Prevention for All!

…n illusion: Current law allows everyone to commit suicide or to refuse medical treatment and to have palliativesedation, even if that causes death. There can be no free choice to die when there is no free choice in where and how we live.o discrimination, lack of access to good health and palliative care, and inadequate in-home services and supports limit the quality of life of elderly and disabled people.o Pain and discomfort can be managed. If so…

NDY Vlog Episode 2: Suicide Prevention and the Disability Double Standard

…t the way patients are treated, let’s assume for the sake of this hypothetical scenario that the only difference between these two patients is their disability status. In scenario one, we have a person who does not have disabilities other than mental health challenges. This person shows up to the hospital with an intent and plan to die by suicide. Maybe they’ve already made an attempt, and have been brought to the hospital by someone else. When th…