Emily Titon Testimony Opposing Rhode Island H 5507

…who would be impacted by this piece of bad social policy. Invidious quality-of-life judgments have no place in social policy.   Reject this bill and the discrimination it promotes.   Thank you very much.   Emily Titon 57 Pemberton Ave. Jamestown RI 02835 Links to Sources, listed in order cited:   Victoria Reggie Kennedy, “Q2 is simplistic, wrong,” Berkshire Eagle, October 30, 2012 http://tinyurl.com/nxh8lg7   Jeanette Hall, “She pushed for legal r…

Milwaukee Magazine: NDY featured in profile of elderly couple who died through a suspected suicide pact

…uilty last year to facilitation to commit manslaughter. To Drake, the right-to-die movement is heading down a slippery slope, pushing for assisted suicide of people who are nonterminal or physically unable to commit suicide on their own – including those with disabling diseases. “When it comes to the euthanasia of children and adults unable to express a wish to die, I believe the goal for many is to have some sort of medical panel evaluate the req…

Disability Activists in the UK Push Back Against BBC and Terry Pratchett Promotion of Assisted Suicide

…ith author Mary Clement in 2000: “Similar to other social issues, the right-to-die movement has not arisen separate and distinct from other concurrent developments of our time. In attempting to answer the question Why Now?, one must look at the realities of the increasing cost of health care in an aging society, because in the final analysis, economics, not the quest for broadened individual liberties or increased autonomy, will drive assisted sui…

NDY UK Intervenes in Noel Conway Assisted Suicide Case

…s of the community. Its guiding principles are to value the lives of terminally ill and disabled people and oppose assisted suicide. For media enquiries and interviews please contact: NDY-UK Phil Friend M 07774 944246 E phil.friends@sky-mail.net NDY-UK Juliet Marlow T 01420 477646 E jemwriter@sky.com NDY-UK Agnes Fletcher M 07748 333565 E agnes.fletcher@talktalk.net Fry Law Chris Fry M 07837119211 E Chris.Fry@frylaw.co.uk NDYUK Roger Symes T 020 7…

Second Thoughts Connecticut Press Release: Assisted Suicide Is Bad Medicine

…t the Capitol. Perhaps most importantly, they have met with legislators one-on-one or in small groups, and come out in force to participate in public hearings. Things are very different during the pandemic. With legislators primarily working from home, there is no opportunity to set up appointments at the Legislative Office Building or drop in to talk with legislators or their aides. In the past, aides’ names and email addresses were listed on the…