NDY et al. Amicus Brief in New Mexico Supreme Court in Morris v. Brandenburg

…y in Ensuring Decisions to Die Are Not Coerced or Made by Others Is a Critical State Interest…………………………….. 12   The Law’s Assumption that Suicide is “Rational” When Committed by a Person with a Disability is Not Valid 13   The Uncertainty of Diagnosing a “Terminal Illness”…………………. 14   The District Court’s Assumption that Disability Intrinsically Deprives Life of Dignity and Value is Not Valid 15   III. The Creation of a New Mexico Constitutional

NDY Files Statement With Canadian Panel on Carter Case

…nts to the termination of life and (2) has a grievous and irremediable medical condition (including an illness, disease or disability) that causes enduring suffering that is intolerable to the individual in the circumstances of his or her condition. The Court gave the Canadian Legislature one year to act on this ruling. A federal panel was formed to gather input. With the assistance of Toujours Vivant/Not Dead Yet Canada, the Council of Canadians…

NDY Submits Comments On Adult Protective Services Guidelines

…r the nearly twenty years we have been in existence, we have received many calls like this. Given the high rate of elder financial abuse and the aging population, it is likely the frequency of such calls will increase. Health care decision making laws vary by state, but are supposed to be governed by general principles set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Cruzan decision (497 U.S. 261, 110 S. Ct. 2841, 111 L. Ed. 2d 224, 1990). The Court fou…

NDY’s Public Comment on Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Regulations

…d a groundbreaking report condemning third party decisions to withhold medical treatment including hydration and nutrition from individuals with disabilities without a terminal condition or permanent unconsciousness as a denial of the basic constitutional and civil rights of individuals with disabilities. NDRN is the national association of the federally funded disability protection and advocacy agencies in all 50 states, charged to protect the ci…

NDY Activities

…isted suicide and other NDY issues in individual states and provided technical assistance to disability advocates who testify in their home states. Read more about our Legislative efforts. Policy work Not Dead Yet engages in dialogue and provides input to policy makers in a variety of contexts, such as commenting on proposed regulations, urging appropriate action by public or private decision-makers, agencies, governmental or quasi governmental bo…