NDY’s Public Comment on Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Regulations

…seizure and related health setbacks. A Not Dead Yet blog about the NDRN Report also provides the full text of an op ed published about the Cartrette case. http://notdeadyet.org/2012/05/ndrns-report-should-serve-as-call-to.html A more recent case in Pennsylvania was successfully challenged by the Protection and Advocacy (“P&A”) agency, saving the life of David Hockenberry. At age 53, Hockenberry had an intellectual disability and had resided in th…

Two Disability Advocates Speak at NY Press Conference Opposing Assisted Suicide Bills

…he community. It comes from a place that can afford to discount the financial reality that assisted suicide will be cheaper than treatment, even cheaper than palliative care. These advocates have held countless non-violent disability civil rights protests in the capital and no one would confuse them with the religious right. To read all of Adam Prizio’s statement, go here. There’s no excuse for the Times Union’s exclusion of disability advocates f…

Not Dead Yet Testimony Opposing Hawaii Assisted Suicide Bill HB 2739

…st for a lethal prescription and death. This is on page 11 of the 2017 annual report.[5] In 2017, at least one person lived 603 days; across all years, the longest reported duration between the request for assisted suicide and death was 1009 days. In every year except the first year, the reported upper range is significantly longer than 180 days. The definition of “terminal” in the statute only requires that the doctor predict that the person will…

Actress and Activist Liz Carr Creates “Blistering” Documentary On Assisted Suicide

…arr created a two part BBC documentary called “When Assisted Suicide Is Legal” about what she called her Euthanasia Road Trip in Europe, Oregon and Washington State. NDY covered Part 1 and Part 2with excerpts and commentary in our blog, and the audio documentary is still live online: From the description: Carr travels to Switzerland, where she visits the rooms where volunteers help people die, and finds out why the Swiss law on assisted suicide go…

“End of Life Washington” Promotes Directive to Prevent Feeding Assistance to Those with Dementia

…ne who cannot communicate those wishes themselves. What makes this initiative a bold step is that it shifts manual assistance in eating and drinking as a form of medical assistance – a radical difference in framing something that has historically viewed as basic care. It’s vitally important that anyone who needs assistance to eat, who supports someone with those needs, or loves someone with those needs to keep this issue on your radar. It’s headed…