A Tremendous Loss – Paul Longmore Has Died

…hone call from close mutual friends–not long there after–telling me of the news. SF State has lost a brilliant scholar and the world… I know not the words to say… I consider myself blessed to have known Paul in one capacity, or another, for the past twenty years–first as an undergraduate, a mentee, a young professional, a colleague, and, most importantly, a friend. My Mom and I will miss making and delivering him his apple pie this Thanksgiving.I’…

Press Releases

…Suicidology (April 19, 2018) Thirty Years of Holding It Is Long Enough (February 13, 2018) Disability Rights Groups Applaud NY Court of Appeals Assisted Suicide Ruling (September 7, 2017) Disability Advocates Protest Senate Leader Over Cuts to Medicaid (June 22, 2017) Disability Activists Rally Against Assisted Suicide At NY Court of Appeals (May 30, 2017) MEDIA ADVISORY: Assisted Suicide To Be Argued in New York Court of Appeals (May 29, 2017) ND…

DREDF Testimony by Marilyn Golden, Senate Health Committee 3-25-2015 re SB 128

…uicide Instead of Medical Care,” Fox News, July 28, 2009, available at www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,392962,00.html(accessed July 9, 2009). Margaret Dore, Elder law attorney, in writings such as “What Do We Advise Our Clients?,” King County Bar Association, May 2009 Bar Bulletin, available at http://dredf.org/assisted_suicide/What-Do-We-Advise-Our-Clients.pdf. Stephen Mendelsohn, Testimony in strong opposition to HB 7015, An Act Concerning Aid in D…

Media Alert – Looks Like “Dr. Oz” Is Planning Slanted Show on Assisted Suicide

…cide, Ablow is another media medical expert, most often seen these days on Fox News. His essay following Kevorkian’s death showed no real knowledge of the nonterminal status of Kevorkian’s “clients” or awareness that Kevorkian had a very broad agenda in terms of who should be eligible for his “assistance.” It’s doubtful that Ablow has any real indepth knowledge of the practices, politics and personalities in the assisted suicide debate. Dr. Ira By…

Reuters: NIMBY in Switzerland (and misreporting assisted suicide law)

…, has caught the headlines as people with chronic diseases from around the world travel to Switzerland to ask for its help in committing suicide. Armitage must have been asleep when the news came out that Switzerland’s Supreme Court gave the “thumbs up” to assisting the suicides of some people with psychiatric labels. We should all have an open and honest debate about these issues. But sometimes it’s hard to see how there’s a hope of having one wh…