Today on Deathstyles of the Rich and Abled: Costs Illustrated Magazine

…tures a highly stylized photo of the 3-D printable death pod invented by Philip Nitschke that’s called the Sarco. Art: A wide blue border with a narrow white border inside it that frames a painting of an old-fashioned room with golden light coming in the window. Layered on this background is a large blue metallic Sarco that gleams with reflected light. It stands leaning against the wall. Arranged around its base are Styx’s Grand Illusion album, a…

Blogging Against Aversives – a little late

Mike Reynolds at uppity disability dot net has been the driving force behind the “blogging against aversives” campaign that began yesterday and is spilling into today. According to Mike, the Massachusetts legislature is hearing a number of bills aimed at curtailing the use of so-called “aversives” at the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC). “Aversives” – for those fortunate people visiting this site who know nothing of such things – is a nice clinical s…


…roduced at a local print shop, and a template press release for local disability activists to use for media outreach. For additional information and links to the many articles by disability writers about the book and film, please check out the incredible “resource hub” compiled by DisBeat.] ACTION ALERT: PROTEST DISABILITY SNUFF FILM ME BEFORE YOU! WHEN: JUNE 3 (2,4 or 5), 2016, 0NE HOUR BEFORE A SHOWING OF ME BEFORE YOU WHERE: YOUR LOCAL MOVIE TH…

Audrey Ignatoff: Let’s Win the War Against Bullying of Disabled People!

…concerning the bullying of disabled persons”, will extend the statute of limitations for disabled minors and adults who have been bullied, abused, exploited, and neglected. Minors will have up to 37 years and those over 18 will have up to 7 years after they realize that damage was done to them for any of the above actions. This is a civil action and actions against vulnerable adults may also be reported to adult protective services and to law enf…

Let’s Win the War against Bullying of the Disabled People!

…sponsored in the Senate NJ S1519 by Linda Greenstein. It is now in the Judiciary Committee, and hopefully, will be voted on soon. This bill will extend the statute of limitations for disabled minors and adults who were bullied, abused, exploited, and neglected. Minors will have up to 37 years and those over 18 will have up to 7 years after they realize that damage occurred because of the above actions. This…