New Mexico Lower Court Parrots the Language and Platitudes of Assisted Suicide Advocacy Groups

…n maker. But the Oregon, Washington and Vermont statutes all say that your request for a lethal prescription can be made by someone else familiar with your manner of communicating, which would include the typical surrogate. The disability experience is that doctors all too often prefer to talk to a relative or other companion rather than the person with a disability. [Finding of Fact] 32. Where it is permitted, an aid in dying prescription must be…

EPC Conference Day 2 text

…a friend or relative – even an heir – can “encourage” an elder to make the request, sign the forms as a witness, pick up the prescription, and even administer the drug (with or without consent) because no objective witness is required at death, so who would know? One in 10 elders are abused in the U.S. (NEJM) Can another speak for you? Oregon law, model for most bills, says: “Capacity” means that in the opinion of an individual’s attending physici…

NDY Public Comment on OPTN Proposal Regarding Living Organ Donation by Persons with Certain Fatal Diseases

…by Persons with Certain Fatal Diseases Who Meet the Criteria to Be Living Organ Donors”. The organ transplant program saves lives, including some of our organization’s grassroots advocates. Its goals are of unquestionable significance. In order to function effectively though, it needs to have strong public trust and support. The safety of potential donors should be of utmost concern. All lives of living donors must be equally valued. The OPTN mus…