Wendi Wicks’ Hard Hitting Oral Testimony Against NZ End of Life Choices Bill

…sabled lives and their use accords our life a lesser value. That is just not adequate. Assisted dying is the equivalent of a zero-hours contract with life In summary, the bill is unjust, dangerously flawed in thought and in wording. NDYA has not detailed the gaps. A patch-up job on this would not be useful, as it would be bad law, and bad for the public interest. NDYA urges you strenuously to remember that individual choices are not a good basis f…

NDY Research Analyst Stephen Drake in NY Times Frank Bruni Column on Aug. 10 and on Diane Rehm Show Aug. 13

…nd short of breath. Hospice records show that Mancini called to request low-dose morphine for Yourshaw’s pain. On Feb. 6, he had a fall. The next day hospice nurse Barbara Cattermole paid a call to check on him at home and found Yourshaw unresponsive in bed. Cattermole told authorities that Mancini said she had given an entire vial of morphine to her father to end his life, while Mancini says she was merely trying to relieve his pain. The hospice…

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…Committee 3-25-2015 re SB 128 DREDF Testimony, Assembly Health Committee 9-1-2015 re AB 2X 15 DREDF’s Marilyn Golden Presents to Older Women’s League on the Dangers of Assisted Suicide Laws Eleven Disability Organizations File Friend of the Court Brief in Appeal of New York Assisted Suicide Case Emily Titon Testimony Opposing Rhode Island H 5507 EPC Conference Day 2 text EPC Conference NM Day 1 text Equality, Dignity, Diversity, Pride Euthanasia…

Not Dead Yet Letter to New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee Opposing Assisted Suicide Bill HB 1325

…Perspective”, Michigan Law Review, June 2008, http://www.michiganlawreview.org/assets/pdfs/106/8/hendinfoley.pdf). But the law includes no authority for investigation or enforcement, so nothing happens as a result. Elder abuse is a growing problem in the U.S., affecting an estimated one in ten elderly persons. Similarly, people with disabilities are up to four times more likely to be abused than their same-age nondisabled peers. In Oregon and Was…