NDY’s Public Comment on Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Regulations

…e legal papers described her as almost “brain dead.” The judge in the case ruled that Haleigh Poutre should “pass away with dignity.” The day after the ruling the news was released that Poutre had clearly recovered some level of consciousness and she was transferred to rehabilitation. Jesse Ramirez was brain injured in a 2007 car accident in Arizona, which occurred during an argument between Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez. Mr. Ramirez was in a coma and doct…

Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) Condemns Exclusion of Disabled People at NJ Hearing on Assisted Suicide Bill

…a proposed assisted suicide bill in front of the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee: (Excerpt) The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is deeply concerned about the omission of disabled people and representatives from disability rights organizations at yesterday’s hearing. Given that more than half of the groups in the New Jersey coalition opposing the bill are disability rights organizations and centers for independ…

NCIL’s Lindsay Baran & NDY’s Anne Sommers Collaborate on Op-Ed in Washington Examiner

…ed suicide bill pending before the District of Columbia Council Health and Human Services Committee. The NDY blog on the DC hearing included a video of Anne Sommers’ testimony. John Kelly also sent testimony and Diane Coleman a letter to the DC Committee, as reported here. The bill remains pending, so Lindsay and Anne decided to collaborate on an op-ed, which was posted on October 19, 2015 in the Washington Examiner. The full piece discusses a ran…

Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN), Disability Community Statement on Sentencing of Kelli Stapleton

…n attempt to capitalize on the publicity associated with her crime. It is crucial that the defendant not be allowed to profit financially from her abuse of Issy, including through a book deal or payments for public appearances. We ask that the Court award Issy treble restitution, to be placed in a special needs trust, for the physical and psychological injuries—including brain damage—she has suffered. Mich. Comp. Laws § 780.766(5)(g). This will en…

Important News From NDY UK: Noel Conway Loses His Assisted Suicide Court Case

…a disability perspective in the proceedings resolved in this latest Court ruling. Below is NDY UK’s press release about this important legal victory. They have our deepest gratitude and respect. NOEL CONWAY LOSES HIS ASSISTED DYING CHALLENGE Phil Friend from Not Dead Yet, which intervened in the case, said: “We’re pleased that the Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Divisional Court which had refused the claim that the prohibition on assis…