Good Old News: In Early 2023, Suicidology Group Withdrew Statement NDY Protested

…onsequences for the disabled community. Regrettably the board had somehow fallen under the influence of assisted suicide advocate, academic Margaret Battin, and its statement about PAS has repeatedly been used to justify PAS in all sorts of different contexts. The 2019 Truchon court decision in Québec which extended euthanasia to people with disabilities, cited the AAS’s statement to support its judgment that “MAiD” for disabled people was not sui…

Anita, John and Diane Provide Testimony Opposing Minnesota Assisted Suicide Bill

…sabled people. Diane Coleman Data from states where assisted suicide is legal show that all people who request assisted suicide have disabilities, even if some don’t think of their impairments that way, and that unmet disability related needs are their reasons for wanting to die…. We are deeply concerned that the proposed delete-all amendment requires providers to offer physician assisted suicide along with other treatment and palliative care opti…

Please Help Progressives Create a Documentary About the Dangers of Medical Assisted Suicide

…ligious organizations (which oppose MAS for their own reasons) and by liberal supporters who discount the disability and social justice arguments against it. The documentary will be filmed and produced by Emmy award-winning filmmaker Karyl Evans, based in North Haven, CT. 100% of all money raised will cover the filmmaker, crew, and associated expenses. Research, writing, organizing, and review will be done by volunteer (unpaid) PAMAS members and a…

Press Statement: Disability Rights Groups Not Dead Yet and Second Thoughts Issue Statement Defending Dr. Ira Byock in Assisted Suicide Debate

…untarily stopping eating and drinking) as a peaceful way to die that is legal in all states, whether or not the person is terminally ill. ‘Their articles and materials urge doctors and families to cooperate with VSED,’ said Coleman, ‘which demonstrates a broader policy agenda than the current media focus.’ “However, disability concerns go beyond the strictly medical issues that affect old, ill and disabled people. ‘Most people don’t realize that p…

Poll: Finances Dominate Medical Decisions When it Comes to Our Pets

…y is something to consider for the majority of pet owners dealing with animal health care, according to a new AP-Petside poll. Most pet owners, 62%, say they would be likely to get vet treatment if the bill exceeded $500. But for a bill of $1,000, that figure drops to 42%. If the cost is $2,000, 35% would pay, and if the cost reaches $5,000, 22% would foot the bill. A longer report, issued by the AP, reports that many people are painfully aware of…