Dawn Parkot’s Testimony Opposing NJ Assisted Suicide Bill A1504

…ot say “only” the patient may self-administer. Someone else could put the drug in a feeding tube or IV nutrition bag. Someone also could use an alternate method, such as suffocation. There is still no independent witness required at the time of ingestion, so who would know? The mere presence of a lethal drug request would provide an alibi. The patient’s control over the “time, place and manner” of his or her death, isn’t guaranteed. Documents auth…

RESEARCH – Study finds that antisocial personality traits linked to embracing utilitarian ethics – (like those promoted by Peter Singer)

…y used by behavioral scientists who study morality, like the following: “A runaway trolley is about to run over and kill five people, and you are standing on a footbridge next to a large stranger; your body is too light to stop the train, but if you push the stranger onto the tracks, killing him, you will save the five people. Would you push the man?” Participants also completed a set of three personality scales: one for assessing psychopathic tra…

Chicago NDY Protest of International Pro-Euthanasia Conference – Day 1

…or use any other web medium to write, this would be a good time to educate your readers on the issues. Remember, things are scheduled to get started at noon central time today. But these things have a way of running late, so don’t panic if you don’t hear anything at the crack of noon….

Press Release: Disability Rights Activists to Protest International Euthanasia Group Meeting in Chicago

…cs,” said John Kelly of Second Thoughts Massachusetts, whose group was instrumental in defeating assisted suicide bills and a referendum in that state. The World Federation of Right to Die Societies was organized in 1980 to bring together the various groups in Europe and Anglophone countries which promote euthanasia and assisted suicide. The Federation last met in the United States in 2000, when it was also protested by Not Dead Yet in Boston. “Th…

John Callahan – A Talented and Twisted Voice Is Gone

…t the age of 59. I first heard the news from Laura Hershey, who posted the news on Facebook. I’m pretty sure the first disability blogger to write about his death was Ruth at Wheelie Catholic, who gave the following account: Sadly John Callahan has passed away. He was 59 years old and died of complications from his spinal cord injury. Known mostly for his cartoons, (which appeared for 27 years in Williamette Week), Callahan authored the biography…