HBO Is Making Sure We Don’t Know Jack About Jack Kevorkian

…e “terminally ill?” It’s because that’s what HBO is telling them on its website (and probably implies in the docudrama): You Don’t Know Jack begins as 61-year-old former pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian (Al Pacino) launches his crusade to provide what he considers to be a humane and dignified option for the terminally ill – assisted suicide. As the data from the Detroit Free Press (and corroborated by others) shows, HBO is misrepresenting Kevorkian’…

UK: The Independent – “Disabled people need assistance to live, not die,” by Clair Lewis

…ther an assistant’s actions were “compassionate”. But what is the definition of compassion? Read the rest here. And consider leaving a comment on the site so the paper know the essay was read and appreciated. –Stephen Drake…

The Song That Is Sung at Final Exit Network Meetings (Or Should Be)

…access the mp3 for whatever reason, here are the lyrics from Forster’s website: Cocaine Bill & Morphine Sue– Get out the way. Here comes Helium Hugh. Helium [inhale]…runnin’ round my brain. A ten buck bottle on the street Gets you about a hundred fifty cubic feet Of helium…running round my brain. I’m all through with blow and boo, Bourbon, cigarettes and airplane glue. I no longer waste my breath Crying “Give me Librium or Give me Meth.” Breathe…

Montana Supreme Court Decision: A Non-Lawyer’s First Reaction

…a “constitutional right” and assisted suicide – the court avoided giving a ruling on that at all (but in doing so voided the lower court finding in that regard). Instead, through some strange permutations in finding that there is nothing currently barring doctors from giving lethal prescriptions to “terminal” patients. For a full understanding, you’ll have to read the opinion – opinions, actually. There are two concurring opinions and one dissent….

UK: Disability Coalition Blasts Plan to Relax Prosecution of Suicide “Assistance”

From The Telegraph: In a submission to a consultation on relaxing the rules on assisted suicide – which ends today – a coaliton of five disabled groups, said that “to see suicide as the right solution is to abandon hope. Severely ill and terminally ill people do no deserve society to give up on them.” The group, which is lead by Baroness Campbell, accused others who were pushing for the change as “seeking to change the law by the back door by cre…