Please Think Of Not Dead Yet On Giving Tuesday

…rights perspective on topics related to assisted suicide, euthanasia, medical ethics, third party decisions to withhold life-sustaining medical treatment, and family/caregiver homicides of persons with disabilities. NDY posted 162 Facebook entries and 257 tweets. NDY posted five videos on Not Dead Yet’s You Tube channel. Media: National NDY issued ten press releases. NDY staff, board and activists authored twelve op-eds published in mainstream ou…

Testimony of Diane Coleman, Not Dead Yet, Opposing New Hampshire HB 1659

…nd Kathleen Foley, please read Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon: A Medical Perspective.[3] The focus of the discussion below is the Oregon Public Health Division data.[4] These reports are based on forms filed with the state by the physicians who prescribe lethal doses and the pharmacies that dispense the drugs. As the early state reports admitted: “As best we could determine, all participating physicians complied with the provisions of the Ac…

Oregon Data Substantiates Critics’ Concerns

…There is no requirement that the doctor consider the likely impact of medical treatment in terms of survival. Unfortunately, while terminal predictions of some conditions, such as some cancers, are fairly well established, this is far less true six months out, as the bill provides, rather than one or two months before death, and is even less true for other diseases. In addition, it should be noted that the attending physician who determines termi…

Barrier Free Futures: Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19

…e at least three months of toilet paper. That seems to be the sort of mythical answer to this virus. But I just want to introduce our guest who really knows a lot about disability, about wrapping the healthcare around assisted suicide. And that’s Diane Coleman. She is the president and CEO of Not Dead Yet, a national disability rights organization. Welcome, Diane. Diane Coleman: Hi, Bob. Nice to talk with you. Bob Kafka: Yeah. Diane, I want to sta…

NDY Coleman NM House Judiciary Committee Testimony Opposing HB 47

…About six years ago, I went into respiratory failure and I now use what is called a non-invasive ventilator about 22 hours a day. If I did not use this support, I would go into respiratory failure and die in a fairly short time. Throughout my adult life, I have worked full time, first as an attorney and then directing nonprofit disability related organizations. Since 2012, working from home, I have continued to run Not Dead Yet, which has three st…