ADAPT in Chicago – Day 2

…es – is here at Fifty-five arrested – ADAPT stands firm at the AMA. Latest news: This just in from Diane Coleman: The negotiations were a success. The governor has agreed to meet with ADAPT by no later than October 17th. There will be no re-opening of Lincoln Developmental Center as a residence for people with disabilities during the present administration. Rahnee Patrick will be an ADAPT liaison on the Governor’s “Money Follows the Person” Adviso…

Dr. Phil: Promoting Killing People with Cognitive Disabilities – And a Close Encounter in 2002

…ow precisely because he knows what Fieger’s take will be. Next he goes to ‘Ruthi.’ We don’t get to see any videos of Ruthi’s kids. She might be an articulate advocate in other venues, but she’s been outmatched here. Not only does the “I want to kill my kids” mom have the stage, but interruptions by Corriveau and Fieger eat up over half of the little time Ruthi has to voice her objections to what is being promoted that day. Next – he asks for a sho…

Not Dead Yet UK Warns About Lord Falconer’s Aim to Legalize Assisted Suicide

…ever, this does not reassure us. We have seen, again and again, across the world, that laws that begin with relatively strict parameters, such as terminal illness, expand and expand until people with treatable conditions, children, and people who simply can’t afford accessible housing end up being approved to die by assisted suicide. While Falconer assures us there will be “safeguards”, in reality, these safeguards are virtually impossible to impl…

Dawn Parkot’s Testimony Opposing New Jersey Assisted Suicide Bill S1072

…else can put the pills in the patient’s mouth. Someone else could put the drug in a feeding tube or I.V bag. There is no independent witness required at the time of ingestion, so who would know? The mere presence of a lethal drug request would provide an alibi. The patient’s control over the “time, place and manner” of his or her death, isn’t guaranteed. Unbearable end of life physical pain is not the issue though it is often cited as the reason f…

UK: Disability Campaigners Press For Law Enforcement on Assisted Suicides

…sisted suicide is wrong in both instances: “While we continue to live in a world where disability or end-of-life care are seen as negative, we will never get to a situation where people can take their own lives in a non prejudicial way,” she says. Like disability advocates all over the world (including the U.S.), advocates like Carr and Campbell already have their hands full advocating for resources that people with disabilities need to live. Not…