Robin Williams and the Hypocrisy of Suicide Prevention Organizations

…ately, her complete lack of concern. In a July 16th article written by Fox News religion correspondent Lauren Green, Springer reiterated her previous comments and then expanded on them: But Springer says she’s not opposed to Final Exit’s mission, just how they’re delivering the message. “I visited the website and it’s populated by elderly folks who are at the end of a very long life and are in pain,” she said. “That’s a whole different issue to me…

Followup – Corrects Errors in Euthanasia Story While Associated Press Ignores Its Errors

…The opinion of a second doctor is also required. For the Dutch euthanasia rules in English, click here That was done quickly (although without acknowledging the prior error). And they added info so readers could find more about the guidelines in Holland themselves. I didn’t see and statement about ethics or principles on the Dutch News site, so I guess they just believe that correcting their mistakes is simply good journalistic practice. I can on…

Reality Check – Factual Information on Jack Kevorkian from a Surprising Source

…lumnists give us an inaccurate and sanitized account of Jack Kevorkian. Instead, we have to go to humor site – where it can get published only because it runs under the guise of being satire – and fictional. Maybe some of the so-called news media – print, online, etc. – ought to consider running a disclaimer warning people that some of their content might be fictional and they’ll have to sort the fiction from the fact for themselves. That would be…

Opening Salvo on New York’s 2018 Assisted Suicide Bill

…is using crutches. The other man holds a sign which says “Assisted Suicide World’s Cheapest Healthcare”. Local television news covered the press conference and protest, and included brief interviews with Kathryn Carroll (pictured above) and Gregg Beratan, who are from the Center for Disability Rights (CDR), in the news video. CDR’s policy position on the issue is here. The Staten Island Advance also covered the story in Should terminally ill in N….

NDY Submission re: Draft General Comment on Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

…ort.pdf [xxvii] Autopsy Cutbacks Reveal “Gray Homicides”: [xxviii] 42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq. [xxix] See e.g., Not Dead Yet et al. brief in Gonzales v. Oregon ( and Myers v. Schneiderman ( [xxx] Medical Futility in End-of-Life Care, Id. [xx…