NDY insta a USCIS a revertir las políticas que matan a niños inmigrantes enfermos y con discapacidad

…cionarios estadounidenses dieron otro paso contra las personas inmigrantes al finalizar la adjudicación de las solicitudes de “acción diferida”. Estas solicitudes evitan temporalmente la deportación de individuos y familias vulnerables que enfrentan circunstancias convincentes, y a menudo potencialmente mortales. Muchos solicitantes de acción diferida son niños con afecciones médicas graves como ncer, fibrosis quística y epilepsia. Estas polític…

NDLA Action Alert! (Wed, July 13): Contact the White House to Oppose Arbitrary Medicaid Cuts

…Wed, July 13): CONTACT THE WHITE HOUSE TO OPPOSE ARBITRARY MEDICAID CUTS! Call and Email the White House TODAY! NDLA URGES YOU TO CONTACT THE WHITE HOUSE TO OPPOSE ARBITRARY MEDICAID CUTS! Call Toll Free at 1-888-245-0215 using the talking points below, and then Take Action to email key White House Officials. As the White House and congressional leaders look for ways to trim federal spending, Medicaid is squarely on the chopping block. The Nation…

Mourning the Passing of Disability Rights Activist Lillibeth Navarro

NDY joins disability advocates in California and across the country in mourning the loss of disability rights activist and leader Lillibeth Navarro. The times I shared with Lillibeth are a treasured part of my life history. Remembering how deeply she touched people’s lives, I know that many would say the same thing. Our story together began in 1987 when I returned to Los Angeles from my first national ADAPT action for accessible public transporta…

Barrier Free Futures: Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19

…e at least three months of toilet paper. That seems to be the sort of mythical answer to this virus. But I just want to introduce our guest who really knows a lot about disability, about wrapping the healthcare around assisted suicide. And that’s Diane Coleman. She is the president and CEO of Not Dead Yet, a national disability rights organization. Welcome, Diane. Diane Coleman: Hi, Bob. Nice to talk with you. Bob Kafka: Yeah. Diane, I want to sta…


…P cuts (Disability News Service, 05/02/24) Advocates continue push for Medical Aid in Dying (News10, 3 more, 05/01/24) Celebs gather in London as MPs debate assisted dying with counter protestors at the scene (kamumedya.com, 04/29/24) Campaigners for and against law change gather before assisted dying debate (The Standard, 04/29/24) Disabled People Against Cuts and Not Dead Yet Rally Against Assisted Dying (morningstaronline.com, 04/29/24) New Yor…