Peter Singer: Latest Lecture Recommends Rationing Health Care on the Back of Disabled People

…inst people with disabilities in a public lecture at Princeton University: Peter Singer, a professor with the University Center for Human Values, presented a talk on “Rationing Health Care” on Tuesday. The event, open to the public, was sponsored by the Student Bioethics Forum. Currently, the United States spends more per capita than any other country in the world, yet is ranked 176th in infant mortality and 50th in life expectancy according to th…

Peter Singer – meet Brad Hennefer

…nger is probably familiar to many of the readers of this blog and website. Peter Singer is a bioethicist and tenured professor who teaches bioethics at Princeton University. Singer (who should not be confused with the Peter Singer at the University of Toronto) made his reputation in Australia before moving here. His books have championed animal rights and made him a popular figure among some in the animal rights movement. Singer is equally renowne…

Additional Letters to Princeton Regarding Peter Singer – Bob Kafka (ADAPT) and Kathy Brill (Parent to Parent USA)

…tter to fellow disability activists yesterday: Dear Trustees of Princeton: Peter Singer has the right to say anything he wants but a prestigious university is under no obligation to give him a platform to promote the killing of people with disabilities. Would you have him head of a department if he justified the Nazi “final solution” by coming up with an inferiority equation on who lives and who dies? What about the extermination of Transgender pe…

Peter Singer in the NY Times: Disabled Lives Worth Less, Hypothetically

…nal source (even individual stories are an information source and a source Singer favors). After asserting that value-based formulas (or rather formulas that devalue PWDs) must form the basis for allocation of health care resources, Singer continues: Some will object that this discriminates against people with disabilities. If we return to the hypothetical assumption that a year with quadriplegia is valued at only half as much as a year without it…

Peter Singer’s “Tribute” to Harriet Johnson – and Paul Longmore’s Response

…ritique is blunt and brutal. Here it is, published with permission: Having Peter Singer write an obituary about Harriet McBryde Johnson seems so reassuring. We can have a calm, rational, even friendly discussion about “killing” people with disabilities. That’s Mr. Singer’s word and that’s his ethical and legal position. He thinks parents should have the right to have their disabled babies killed. And that’s what my comrade in disability rights act…