Oath, NDLA and Getty Images Launch New Disability Image Collection

…ath.com/Accessibility. About Getty Images Getty Images is one of the most trusted and esteemed sources of visual content in the world, with over 300 million assets including photos, videos, and music, available through its industry-leading sites www.gettyimages.com and www.istock.com. The Getty Images website serves creative, business and media customers in nearly every country in the world and is the first place people turn to discover, purchase…

Oath, National Disability Leadership Alliance and Getty Images Launch New Disability Image Collection

…ath.com/Accessibility. About Getty Images Getty Images is one of the most trusted and esteemed sources of visual content in the world, with over 300 million assets including photos, videos, and music, available through its industry-leading sites www.gettyimages.com and www.istock.com. The Getty Images website serves creative, business and media customers in nearly every country in the world and is the first place people turn to discover, purchase…

Breaking News: Jack Kevorkian in Hospital

…appointed that Kevorkian would be released in June. “We won’t forget the struggling disabled people he preyed upon. And we won’t be silent,” the group said in a statement. It added that it expected that the 78-year-old Kevorkian, after leaving prison, will show a “near-miraculous `recovery’” from his health problems, which include diabetes, hepatitis C, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries in his brain and vertigo, according to his attor…

Breaking News (UK): Falconer Swiss Suicide Tourist Immunity Voted Down!

…amendment to the Coroners and Justice Bill by 194 to 141. At least 115 people from the UK have gone to Swiss clinic Dignitas to die, but as yet no-one has been prosecuted. The debate in the Lords thrust the issue of assisted suicide back into the spotlight and drew sharp criticism from church leaders and advocates for the disabled. More on this later. –Stephen Drake…