Breaking News – Swiss Euthanasia Organization Being Investigated for Possible Profiteering

…ich, they should start legal proceedings.” Minelli probably doesn’t follow news in the U.S., or he might take a more cautious tone. The day before being hauled into court to face federal charges of corruption, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich invited anyone to listen in on his private conversations any time at all – he had nothing to hide. Turns out the feds had been listening for quite awhile and the good Governor should have left some things he…

Breaking News – Karen McCarron Found Guilty on All Charges

…hirty-nine-year-old Karen McCarron was taken into custody after Thursday’s ruling. Authorities say McCarron killed her 3-year-old daughter with a garbage bag in May 2006. The family lived in Morton. The charges against her were first-degree murder, obstruction of justice and concealment of a homicide. –Stephen Drake Addendum: I hope this isn’t a bad omen, but I just got off the phone with the Chicago AP office, which is transmitting its coverage o…

Breaking News: Four Final Exit Network Members Busted on “Conspiracy to Commit Murder” Charges in Arizona

…ed. Van Voorhis had minor physical complaints, but had a long history of struggles with psychological and emotional issues. From the article: Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas announced a few minutes ago that investigators from his office have busted four people on murder charges in the 2005 “assisted suicide” death of a seriously mentally ill Phoenix woman. New Times broke the news of this unusual and tragic case in 2007 in an extensive piec…

Not Dead Yet (USA) Submission Opposing New Zealand End of Life Choice Bill

…report.pdf [29] Autopsy Cutbacks Reveal “Gray Homicides”: [30] See Hendin and Foley, Physician-Assisted Suicide in Oregon: A Medical Perspective, Michigan Law Review (2008):, page 1628. [31] For more details and citations on the role of Compassion and Choices in Oregon assisted suicides, see M. Golden, W…