Time for a Little Humor

…ith first-degree vehicular manslaughter in the incident, hit Mildred Peters of Portage, MI, with his 1994 Ford Escort in a supermarket parking lot, killing her instantly. “She was clearly in terrible pain,” said Munson, who did not know the woman. “She was moving very slowly, and it was a struggle for her just to push the shopping cart to her car. I don’t even think she would have been able to lift her groceries into the trunk without help. All th…

The Olympian: “Physician-assisted suicide symptom of a broken system,” by Joelle Brouner

…ery pressures she talks about. In 1997, Joe Shapiro, then an editor of U.S News & World Report, published a long article on what things looked like in the Netherlands and what it might mean for the U.S. in “Euthanasia’s Home.” He shared this interesting factoid about American motivations, specifically citizens of Washington State: Most Dutch patients–56 percent–seek euthanasia to avoid “useless suffering.” On the other hand, Americans say they are…

‘Second Thoughts’ Director John Kelly in Boston Globe Article on Assisted Suicide Referendum

…f assisted suicide – is one of the people featured in the article. The bad news is that, in line with the general pro-assisted suicide slant of the article, he’s given little actual space in the article in which to articulate the disability rights community’s opposition to legalization of assisted suicide. Below is a great picture the ran of John, followed by his comments in the article: Opposition extends well beyond the church pews, though, with…

NDY President Diane Coleman in DC with ADAPT! (Fighting for Medicaid)

…Paso to Miami to New Hampshire. One more thing: On Sunday, ADAPT had a FunRun to raise funds for ADAPT. Diane Coleman was a runner and it’s not too late to pledge or to donate a flat amount. I, since I’m in Rochester, am listed as a ‘virtual runner’ meaning I was there in spirit. You can support ADAPT and NDY through a donation to my ADAPT page as well. The links are below: Diane Coleman’s FunRun Donation/Sponsor Page Stephen Drake’s ‘Virtual Run…

ADAPT Leaves DC After Making its Mark – More Work Yet to Do

…Activists at White House Gates as Obama Delivers Debt Plan Dallas Morning News – Protesters tell Congress not to cut or cap Medicaid for poor, disabled The Hill – Disability-rights advocates protest Obama’s proposed Medicaid cuts The Nation – Rally on Capitol Hill: ‘Medicaid Matters’ NDY – and most disability groups are nonpartisan. And yet it’s obvious the last week – in spite of ADAPT’s message to the White House – leans pretty heavily on Repub…