Germany: Oops! Man Allegedly Kills Friend Who Was Misdiagnosed as Terminally Ill

…lse cancer diagnosis Published: 6 Feb 09 19:40 CET Online: A Bochum man who thought he was terminally ill with cancer convinced a friend to stab him to death but authorities later tragically confirmed he was not sick at all, according to daily Bild. Police discovered the body of the man, identified as 40-year-old Achim K., in his apartment at his parents’ house on Thursday morning after his allege…

Yesterday on Fox News…

…130 people die from 1990 until 1998, jumped into the race last Monday. He calls the government tyrannical and said if elected he’ll call attention to the Ninth Amendment, which says “The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Kevorkian said this is what gives us our natural rights. “It says that you have every right in the world, because you were born with them…

New Research on Nurses Who Kill Repeatedly: They’re Serial Killers, Not Agents of Mercy

…’t a satisfactory way of dealing with it. And the fact that those people then went on to have long killing careers, sometimes 16 or more years, suggests that’s a very poor practice. Field’s findings resonate with the comments of other professionals who have studied this phenomenon. You’ll find them quoted in this 2003 article from USA Today I linked in an earlier entry. I’m happy to say that Field’s thesis is available online. A full abstact and l…

Actor/Activist Martin Sheen Voices Opposition to Assisted Suicide in Washington State

…We have a health care system where the more money you have, the better medical care you receive. Initiative 1000 is a dangerous idea — because so many people do not have the money necessary to get the care they need. When I heard about Initiative 1000, I wanted to help stop it before it harms people who are at risk.” There’s a button to play the ad on the same page linked above. But for those unable to hear the ad or to access the player for whate…