NDY Concerns Included in US Human Rights Network Stakeholder Reports to UN Human Rights Council

…onal Center for Independent Living; South Bay Communities Alliance; The Icarus Project; Three Treaties Task Force of the Social Justice Center of Marin; Voices of the Heart, Inc.; We The People; World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry I would recommend that people take the time to read the entire report, which reflects the experience and concerns of many segments of the disability community in the US. Below is an excerpt that is of dire…

Testimony of Meghan Schrader

…3/03/08/aas-update-on-previous-statement/ because it was used in the 2019 Truchon decision that expanded assisted suicide to disabled Canadians. https://twitter.com/TrudoLemmens/status/1666067817035190272 , which was opposed by the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. https://suicideprevention.ca/media/statement-on-recent-maid-developments/ The consequences of the AAS’s statement are an example of how green lighting assisted suicide for th…

New Research on Nurses Who Kill Repeatedly: They’re Serial Killers, Not Agents of Mercy

…Field, looked into 48 cases of nurses murdering their patients around the world and found that 38 of those were serial killers. John Field spoke to Nance Haxton in Adelaide. JOHN FIELD: The most common method of murdering was by lethal injection. It became obvious to me that murder of a patient by nurses can happen anywhere, but I think that the nurses who do murder patients, particularly the serial killers, would be serial killers whether they w…

Using and Promoting Change of Language to Make the Objectionable Acceptable

…ined how Compassion & Choices had tried to get the Editorial Boards of the newspapers in California, where an assisted suicide bill had been presented, to change their language use from assisted suicide to “aid in dying”. The speaker also explained how they were working to get professional organizations to adopt the term “aid in dying”. Returning now – and hoping people follow me – to the commentary by Christopher Hayes. He went on to relate the f…

Not Dead Yet (USA) Submission Opposing New Zealand End of Life Choice Bill

…e been more hand wringing over the growing costs of healthcare than we see today. On a worldwide basis, whether paid by private insurance or government programs, there are worried statements that this growth is not sustainable, all coming from professionals who have healthcare themselves. Meanwhile, those who struggle to get the healthcare they need face the threat of more cuts. In the U.S., this led to repeated protests and arrests of disability…