With National Day of Mourning, Disability Community Remembers Disabled Victims of Domestic Violence

…rk(ASAN) and Not Dead Yet in response to the murder of George Hodgins, a 22-year-old autistic man, and the media coverage that the organizations describe as “sympathetic” to his murderer. On March 6, George Hodgins was reportedly murdered by his mother in Sunnyvale, California. Elizabeth Hodgins killed herself after fatally shooting her son. The Santa Cruz Sentinel referred to Ms. Hodgins as “a devoted and loving mother.” The Mercury News coverage…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “They want us to die: You wouldn’t believe how many people hate those of us with autism”

…of who gets to speak, and yeah – more evidence of the hatred that permeates society. Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/opinion/perspectives/they-want-us-to-die-you-wouldnt-believe-how-many-people-hate-those-of-us-with-autism-682414/#ixzz2PtUDg8sp…

Not Dead Yet in the Smithsonian

…er a new perspective on American history. This online exhibition is a first-of-its-kind image compilation that provides access to objects and stories related to the history of disability that have been collected at the museum for more than 50 years. The information is presented in English and Spanish, and the website is designed to be accessible to all users, including those using specialized software for vision or hearing impairments. All pages o…

Disability Rights Toolkit for Advocacy Against Legalization of Assisted Suicide

…, to find that some of our allies in working against legalization are right-to-life groups and other organizations that are faith-based. We’re “strange bedfellows,” as the saying goes. It’s important to remember, and to remind the media and the general public, about all the groups that also oppose legalization: the American Medical Association, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, the League of United Latin American Citizens; all…

NDY Is Not Working in Coalition with the Family Research Council – And Here’s Why

…30 Disability Rights and the Case Against Assisted Suicide- John Kelly (TBD-Skype) (Second Thoughts MA and New England Regional Director, Not Dead Yet) An asterisk appeared beside the names of seven confirmed speakers, and there was no asterisk by John’s name or one other listed speaker. Later Friday evening, John received a call from one of the confirmed speakers, inviting him to speak at the gathering via Skype. Needless to say, John declined, a…