…ssisted suicide and euthanasia; Federal regulation requiring non-discrimination in suicide prevention services; and Greater federal investment in long-term services and supports. The NCD report is online at The Danger of Assisted Suicide Laws. The release dates for the other reports in the series are here, with links to the full reports as they become available….
…ded to share this edited article I wrote about ten years ago, posted to an online forum I used to participate in – the forum had nothing to do with disability rights, euthanasia or anything else work-related – just a lot of smart and interesting people. Those familiar with my writing style will recognize my habit of drawing several threads together into a hopefully coherent whole. It’s also a little more personal than what I usually write here. I…
…tion of this fact, when the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) held an online poll last year, its hypothetical case was a man with metastatic pancreatic cancer, whose physical pain was well-controlled. Two thirds of NEJM’s respondents opposed legalization. The kind of “extreme pain” that Judge Nash and proponents describe is psychological and social. As Massachusetts Dr. Marcia Angell wrote to the Boston Herald before the 2012 election, “dying…
…om the risks these laws pose. Back to our hero, John. We had learned about online sites that tend to be followed by liberal and progressive legislators in New Jersey, so on June 25th John posted what is called a “diary” in bluejersey.com called “Assisted Suicide Is Not Progressive”. John made several key points, such as: Supporters of A2270 say that it is all about “autonomy,” but in reality the bill would limit choice, because it incentivizes ins…
…woman whose sister committed suicide with the advice and encouragement of online “friends.” Part of her information and “encouragement” came from ASH – alt-suicide-holiday, a newsgroup that is notorious for urging suicidal people standing on a ledge to jump. She also bought her copy of “Final Exit” through the web – no doubt through Derek Humphry’s ERGO site or through the Final Exit Network. It’s impossible to know just how many people she email…