Press Releases

…Suicidology (April 19, 2018) Thirty Years of Holding It Is Long Enough (February 13, 2018) Disability Rights Groups Applaud NY Court of Appeals Assisted Suicide Ruling (September 7, 2017) Disability Advocates Protest Senate Leader Over Cuts to Medicaid (June 22, 2017) Disability Activists Rally Against Assisted Suicide At NY Court of Appeals (May 30, 2017) MEDIA ADVISORY: Assisted Suicide To Be Argued in New York Court of Appeals (May 29, 2017) ND…

Clickhole: Terminally Ill Woman Chooses Dignified Death/Eaten by Wolves (satire)

…ates in the USA legalize assisted suicide. Below is one of the photos from today’s story – and an excerpt. It’s Friday, we needed a laugh, and we were gifted with this: Meet The Terminally Ill Woman Who Is Choosing To End Her Life With Dignity, At The Snapping Jaws Of 20 Hungry Wolves     Henrietta Green is brave. In fact, the only thing the 61-year-old from Yarmouth, ME fears is dying without dignity. That’s why, when doctors diagnosed her with l…

Great Op-Ed By NDY UK Founder Baroness Jane Campbell

…olutions to the social care crisis and continued financial support for our world-class NHS. Last time the House of Commons considered legalising assisted suicide (in 2015), it was rejected by a majority of 212, affirmation that terminally ill and disabled people are entitled to equal protection under the law. What has changed in the last six years to require the issue to be debated again? Certainly not the views of palliative care doctors or geria…

Barrier Free Futures: Bob Kafka Interviews Diane Coleman About NDY & COVID-19

…and say, “Not dead yet”, and that it just seems so appropriate and it’s in today’s COVID-19 world it’s very much a… But I know Not Dead Yet is more than what’s in The Life of Brian. What is the mission of Not Dead Yet? Diane Coleman: Well, we started out, the big issue at that time was Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as Dr. Death in Michigan because the majority, overwhelming majority of his body count was assisted suicides with people with disabil…

NDY Concerns Included in US Human Rights Network Stakeholder Reports to UN Human Rights Council

…onal Center for Independent Living; South Bay Communities Alliance; The Icarus Project; Three Treaties Task Force of the Social Justice Center of Marin; Voices of the Heart, Inc.; We The People; World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry I would recommend that people take the time to read the entire report, which reflects the experience and concerns of many segments of the disability community in the US. Below is an excerpt that is of dire…