San Francisco Chronicle Columnist Debra J Saunders Discusses Class, Race and Privilege in Assisted Suicide Debate

…lifornia has world-class medical care. This bill seeks to address a “First World problem,” noted Tim Rosales from the opposition. Rosales steered me toward Ken Barnes, a San Diego management consultant who used to be on the executive committee of the California conference of the NAACP. Barnes handily summed up SB128 supporters: They tend to be white, educated, affluent and able to navigate the health system. While they think they are “progressive,…

National Disability Organizations That Oppose Legalization of Assisted Suicide (without photos)

…ndent Living National Spinal Cord Injury Association Not Dead Yet TASH The World Association of Persons with Disabilities The World Institute on Disability Seniors and people with disabilities who need assistance to do everyday tasks like dressing and bathing want the choice to get those services at home and to have control over how the services are delivered. They do not want to be forced into a nursing facility, nor see themselves and their spou…

Final Exit Advisory Board Members Supporters of Parents Who Kill – Or Want to Kill – Their Disabled Kids

…work Board Member Exit Guide and Network spokesperson Board member/editor, World Federation of Right to Die Societies Former president of The Hemlock Society USA Those of us who have been in the euthanasia struggle for over a decade are very familiar with just how wide an agenda Girsh advocates. On December 3, 1997 the Hemlock Society (now Compassion and Choices) issued a press release titled: “Mercy Killing: A Position Statement Regarding David R…

Press Release (Mass.) Disability Rights leaders reach out to Elizabeth Warren regarding ‘No On 2’

…L), National Spinal Cord Injury Association, Not Dead Yet (NDY), TASH, The World Association of Persons with Disabilities (WAPD), The World Institute on Disability (WID).   ### You can access the original press release here. Background: Apparently, Ms. Warren said she was ‘leaning’ toward supporting Ballot Question 2 – which would legalize assisted suicide in Massachusetts. It’s hard to believe that Ms. Warren has taken a close look at the wording…

Carrie Ann Lucas Dedicated Her Amazing Skills To Save Lives

…m her home in Colorado to Chicago to participate in the NDY protest of the World Federation of Right To Die Societies’ biannual conference. She was a very skilled photographer who visually documented three days of protest activities which can be viewed via a link on our website page about the protest. One of these photos is the banner on our home page. Resisting Assisted Suicide in Colorado Carrie took the lead in organizing a group of disability…