The Olympian: “Physician-assisted suicide symptom of a broken system,” by Joelle Brouner

…ery pressures she talks about. In 1997, Joe Shapiro, then an editor of U.S News & World Report, published a long article on what things looked like in the Netherlands and what it might mean for the U.S. in “Euthanasia’s Home.” He shared this interesting factoid about American motivations, specifically citizens of Washington State: Most Dutch patients–56 percent–seek euthanasia to avoid “useless suffering.” On the other hand, Americans say they are…

A Tremendous Loss – Paul Longmore Has Died

…hone call from close mutual friends–not long there after–telling me of the news. SF State has lost a brilliant scholar and the world… I know not the words to say… I consider myself blessed to have known Paul in one capacity, or another, for the past twenty years–first as an undergraduate, a mentee, a young professional, a colleague, and, most importantly, a friend. My Mom and I will miss making and delivering him his apple pie this Thanksgiving.I’…

‘Second Thoughts’ Director John Kelly in Boston Globe Article on Assisted Suicide Referendum

…f assisted suicide – is one of the people featured in the article. The bad news is that, in line with the general pro-assisted suicide slant of the article, he’s given little actual space in the article in which to articulate the disability rights community’s opposition to legalization of assisted suicide. Below is a great picture the ran of John, followed by his comments in the article: Opposition extends well beyond the church pews, though, with…

PushBlack Podcast: The Erasure of Black Disabled Voices with Anita Cameron

today, disabled Black folks represent nearly half of us who are killed or brutalized by police, and their stories and their struggles are often overlooked when we talk about liberation. So, whether it’s a lack of awareness or perhaps bias, our guest today will shed light on this group that’s often made invisible, even within the Black community. As a disability rights activist and advocate, Anita Cameron has dedicated almost 40 years to community…

“End of Life Washington” Promotes Directive to Prevent Feeding Assistance to Those with Dementia

…eople with dementia are being fed against their will. Bassett’s article in Today’s Geriatric Medicine is very good. He includes the voices of reps from EOLWA, Alzheimer’s Association – and me, representing NDY. As we’ve seen over the past few decades, narrow initiatives like this act as door-openers, in which a narrowly-defined “refusal” of life-sustaining treatment expands over time both in terms of the groups who may exercise this “right” and th…