New Ad from FRC Seems to Say Old People Shouldn’t Get Expensive Operations

…h Council, defenders of “family values” and who claim to respect and value human life. In the clip below, however, is a short exchange between a young boy and his grandfather, presumably when some version of expanded health coverage has been passed. The message – as near as I can figure out – seems aimed at disrespecting and devaluing the lives of seniors. FRC doesn’t provide captioning for its video, so here’s a summary: The young boy asks if his…

Final Exit Network in the News – Reframing Themselves and Erasing the Past

…nally competent adults in all fifty states are free to exercise their last human right – the right to a peaceful, dignified death. “Final Exit Network is the only organization in the United States that will support individuals who are not “terminally ill” – 6 months or less to live – to hasten their deaths. No other organization in the US makes this commitment,” said Goodwin. Final Exit Network is a four-year-old volunteer-run nonprofit that is co…

Activist and Friend Judi Chamberlin Died This Weekend

…he notion that a psychiatric label was a justification for denial of basic human rights, and leaving individuals at the often not-so-tender mercies of mental health professionals. Readers of this blog – especially outside of the disability community – might have noticed that NDY doesn’t devote a lot of discussion or recognition to psychiatric terminology. We also (I hope successfully) steer clear of sanctioning forced psychiatric treatment as our…

Resources: Two websites – one new, one updated

…ability Rights Education and Defense Fund, founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities. The mission of the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund is to advance the civil and human rights of people with disabilities through legal advocacy, training, education, and public policy and legislative development. The vision of the…

Testimony of Karen Scheiderman – MA Assisted Suicide Hearing

…y private decision, not one to be made with a doctor, even a doctor with scruples, because the entire culture in which we live already sees me and my sisters and brothers with disabilities as throw aways. I know there will come a time when I will feel the desire to end my life, as I suspect most people do at some point. As the daughter of a healthy 92 year-old man who chose to jump to his death in an act of suicide a decade ago, I know whatever dr…