Some Victories and Welcome Developments This Week – Quebec and New Hampshire

A fair amount of news this week. Most of it is good news. And none of it’s really bad. First – the good. Not one, but three assisted suicide measures were voted down in New Hampshire! (You can read about specifics regarding the main bill – HB 1325 – here.) Here is info on 2 of the 3 bills – kind of “back door” assisted suicide bills – from the March 6 edition of the New Hampshire Union Leader: The House Wednesday killed legislation that would hav…

From Stephen Mendelsohn: More Media, Etc. From Connecticut Hearings on Assisted Suicide

… CT News Junkie: Picture from Second Thoughts Connecticut press conference, on the website of Senator Joe Markley: (I am standing on the left, and next to Cathy in the second video above) (Editor – Stephen Mendelsohn on left and n…

Bill Peace in Hastings Center Bioethics Forum: “Euthanasia in Belgium: The Untold Story”

…periencing “unbearable pain.” The Verbessem case has generated controversy worldwide. Multiple news reports characterized the deaths as a mercy killing. The message was clear: death is a logical and reasonable option if a person will become deaf-blind. By logical extension there are some disabilities that are a fate worse than death. One does not need to be terminally ill to be euthanized. Read more:…

Disability Activists Make a Housecall at the AMA

…patient to a ltc facility in which they have any financial interest. More news as it comes in… (will add links to news, other bloggers, etc.) Update: 1:35 pm central. Police are getting ready to arrest protesters. The picture above shows a long line of ADAPT protesters being confronted by police officers in front of the headquarters of the American Medical Association. Update 2:00 pm Central: Diane called and says they’re processing arrestees. Sh…

France: Euthanasia Bill Defeated in Senate Vote

…ould have allowed euthanasia for people with disabilities, those with chronic conditions and people who are defined as terminal. Interestingly, no English-speaking news source has covered this story. As a bilingual Canadian, Alex pulled the news off of a French news source so we monolinguals could know about it. I’d bet there would be all kinds of English language coverage if the vote had gone the other way. Funny how that goes. You can read the r…