Statement of Not Dead Yet (USA) In Opposition To Tasmanian Proposal For Voluntary Assisted Dying II

…s – routinely proceed without their wife’s knowledge or consent. She says true pacts occur in perhaps one half of 1 per cent of elder homicide-suicides. Of the hundreds of homicide-suicide deaths in the US each year, the rate amongst over 55s is twice that of under 55s. Homicide-suicides now account for about three per cent of all suicides, and about 12 per cent of homicides in the older population. “One of our most distressing findings is evidenc…

National Disability Organizations That Oppose Legalization of Assisted Suicide (without photos)

…ple, people with psychiatric disabilities and depression are given lethal drugs in Oregon, despite the claims of proponents that these conditions disqualify a person. Elder abuse is a growing but still largely unreported reality that threatens to pressure seniors toward an early death. Moreover, the supposed safeguards in the Oregon and Washington State laws don’t really protect patients. If one’s doctor refuses lethal drugs, the patient or family…

John Kelly’s Testimony to the New Hampshire House Judiciary Committee In Opposition to HB 1325

…fered from Lou Gehrig’s disease moved into her home, named her his estate trustee, deeded his home to a trust, and then died by physician-assisted suicide.” Two days after Thomas Middleton died, Sawyer listed the property for sale and deposited the sale money into one of her own accounts. This story came to light, not through any assisted suicide program safeguards, but through suspicious real estate transactions. Americans place tremendous value…

UK: Paralyzed Teacher Says She’s Not Selfish for Wanting to Live

…e of us who battle on are ‘cowardly’ and ‘selfish’, which is unfair and untrue.” Dr Garner-Jones, 53, was paralysed from the chest down and has limited use of only her left hand after a lorry ploughed into her car 34-years-ago. As mentioned at the top of this post, Dr. Garner-Jones asked her MP to take up her cause in Parliament. He did. Echoing Dr Garner-Jones, Dr Pugh warned: “The proposals involve an individual regarding their life as intolerab…

John Kelly’s Testimony in Opposition to Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Bill H 1998

…management, nursing care and hospice, not trade the dignity and life of a human being for the bottom line. Voters also learned that the type of suffering Marcia Angell was talking about was not pain, not actual physical pain. Pain is a medical problem that palliative care can solve. As palliative care expert Ira Byock has testified, If I thought lethal prescriptions were necessary to alleviate suffering, I would support them. In 34 years of pract…