Statement of the National Disability Leadership Alliance on the 23rd Anniversary of the Signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act

…bilities are to be valued as equal citizens and welcomed in all aspects of American life. Today, far too many people with disabilities are forced to live in institutions, forced to receive unwanted treatment, denied programs and services, or to be paid less than minimum wage. On a regular basis, our civil, constitutional, and parental rights are disregarded or stripped away. Our lives and expertise are not valued equally – with dire consequences….

Prepare to Take Action: National Disability Leadership Alliance Calls for Real Medicaid Reform

…ence and lives of people with disabilities and seniors. We are responding. Today, the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) is facilitating a meeting between Medicaid beneficiaries and the White House. AAPD is giving the White House an opportunity to hear first-hand about the devastating impact that the proposed Medicaid cuts will have. Instead of making simplistic cuts to Medicaid, NDLA organizations are calling for Real Medicai…

NDY Joins National Alliance to Support Proposed Federal Resolution Opposing Legalization of Assisted Suicide

…anization, Not Dead Yet strongly supports this bipartisan effort to speak truth to the many myths about legalized assisted suicide. As Americans with disabilities, we are on the front lines of the nation’s health care system that often devalues old, ill, and disabled people. So we are grateful for this Sense of Congress that explains the dangers of mistake, coercion, and abuse under a public policy of assisted suicide.” Disability Rights Education…

NDY in National Disability Leadership Alliance: Opposing Cuts To Vital Healthcare

…tor, Director of Public Policy, 202-509-0135, Bruce Darling, National ADAPT organizer, 585-370-6690, National Disability Leadership Alliance and over 200 Organizations from Across the United States Express Opposition to Congressional Efforts to Cut Vital Health Care and Community Based Services for People with Disabilities. The National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA) today published a letter s…

Sputnik Radio Program “Brave New World” with Alex Schadenberg, John Kelly and Gert Huysmans

…y to answer this question after a short break.   Welcome back to Brave New World Radio program. My name’s John Harrison. Today we’re talking about the terrible theme of euthanasia. I’m joined by Gert Huysmans, the president of the Federation of Palliative care of Flanders, Alex Schadenberg, the Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition of Ontario, and John Kelly, New England Regional Director of the Not Dead Yet anti-euthanasia act…