Media Coverage and Links to testimony of ‘Second Thoughts’ members before MA legislative hearing on Assisted Suicide

…e information on the Massachusetts battle on assisted suicide. We’ll share what the group is doing here, but most of the time it will appear at the Second Thoughts site first – and there’s a lot to check out on the site that I haven’t mentioned here. –Stephen Drake…

Disability Activists, Advocates and Others Pile on Time Magazine’s Error-Filled Kevorkian Tribute

…n I can get out of it. You can read her comments back at the Time magazine site, but you really have to go check out her entry on the obituary and her experiences in dealing with Carol Loving on the site. Here’s the link to Jack Kevorkian and Carol Loving: Self-Promoting Partners in Crime, with an excerpt: Stephen Drake, who maintains the Not Dead Yet commentary blog wrote about Time Magazine’s sloppy and inaccurate obituary for Dr. Jack Kevorkian…

Followup – Corrects Errors in Euthanasia Story While Associated Press Ignores Its Errors

…The opinion of a second doctor is also required. For the Dutch euthanasia rules in English, click here That was done quickly (although without acknowledging the prior error). And they added info so readers could find more about the guidelines in Holland themselves. I didn’t see and statement about ethics or principles on the Dutch News site, so I guess they just believe that correcting their mistakes is simply good journalistic practice. I can on…

BBC World Service – Liz Carr Presents Part 1 of “Euthanasia Road Trip” Documentary

….” Part 1 has aired and is available to listen to on the BBC World Service site. Here’s how the site describes the documentary: The debate over assisted suicide and euthanasia is a passionate one. But as the discussions continue to rage around the world, there are a few places where assisted death is already legal. Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Oregon and Washington States in the US all have laws permitting assisted suicid…

Reality Check – Factual Information on Jack Kevorkian from a Surprising Source

…e and sanitized account of Jack Kevorkian. Instead, we have to go to humor site – where it can get published only because it runs under the guise of being satire – and fictional. Maybe some of the so-called news media – print, online, etc. – ought to consider running a disclaimer warning people that some of their content might be fictional and they’ll have to sort the fiction from the fact for themselves. That would be some real truth in reporting…