Not Dead Yet Applauds Second Thoughts Connecticut As Disability Advocates Prepare to Testify Against Assisted Suicide Bill

…death’ is ‘my choice’ . . . and act on it. Those of us on the autism spectrum can take messages like this quite literally.” Mendelsohn’s testimony also points to the dangers of future expansion of eligibility for assisted suicide beyond the parameters in the current bill, based on public comments by assisted suicide proponents: “When Compassion & Choices president Barbara Coombs Lee came to Hartford last October, she declared her support for assi…

John Kelly’s Compelling Testimony Opposing Rhode Island Assisted Suicide Bill S0775

…fered from Lou Gehrig’s disease moved into her home, named her his estate trustee, deeded his home to a trust, and then died by physician-assisted suicide. We have no idea how Thomas Middleton really died, but we do know that days later, Sawyer listed Middleton’s property and then stole some of the proceeds. Her crimes came to light, not through any program safeguards, but by a federal investigation into suspicious real estate transactions. The st…

NDY, DREDF and United Spinal Discuss Shavelson Euthanasia Case at Press Briefing

…Act” that patients who choose assisted suicide self-administer the lethal drugs. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California (The Court) held a hearing on Thursday, April 14th at 10 am PDT on a motion to dismiss. The virtual press conference features legal and professional opinions, as well as personal testimonies from those whose lives have been or would be endangered by assisted suicide legislation. WHO: Diane Coleman: Presid…

Kevorkian “dying” – again

…ve: The WSU Criminal Justice Club, which is sponsoring the talk, said in a news release this might be a “rare educational opportunity that may never present itself again,” since Kevorkian is terminally ill with Hepatitis C. Funny. When Kevorkian talked with Mike Wallace after his release, he referred to his Hepatitis C and other ailments as pretty much under control, describing his health as “fair.” I emailed the contact listed on the website for…

Diane Coleman Interviewed Re Disability Opposition To NY Assisted Suicide Bill

…like a burden on others, feeling like you’ve lost your dignity,” she tells News10NBC. All issues, Coleman says can be eased with access to proper home care. “We also know that doctors aren’t that great at predicting the 6 months, I mean I’ve certainly experienced that and many disabled people have been told, well you’re on your last legs here,” she said. Coleman also has concerns about the safety of the medication being in a home after it is presc…