Center for Disability Rights Creates PSA on Assisted Suicide in Response to Me Before You

…counter the message that disabled lives are not worth living, the PSA and worldwide protests of the film are attempting to educate the public about the truth about disability. Everyone, whether they have a disability or not, is encouraged to stop accepting such harmful portrayals of disability, by avoiding these movies. Instead, the message is to promote content by disabled creators, and encourage Hollywood to make films that show disabled people…

John Kelly’s Full Written Testimony In Opposition to New Jersey Assisted Suicide Bill

…approve of laws that would allow a physician to prescribe lethal doses of drugs that a terminally ill patient could use to commit suicide.” Physicians for Compassionate Care, “Five Oregonians to Remember.” Portland Tribune, “Another Case for Nursing Reform.” July 9, 2007 YouTube, “Ba…

ADAPT Public Comment Opposing Virginia Assisted Suicide Legislation

…a lethal prescription in Oregon were physically unable to take the lethal drugs without assistance. That means that another person administered the drugs: there is no way to prevent an attendant or a family member from doing this when a lethal prescription is in the house of a person with a disability. Advocates for assisted suicide point to the fact that many people keep the lethal prescription in their home but never take it, wishing only to fee…

Carrie Ann Lucas Dedicated Her Amazing Skills To Save Lives

…m her home in Colorado to Chicago to participate in the NDY protest of the World Federation of Right To Die Societies’ biannual conference. She was a very skilled photographer who visually documented three days of protest activities which can be viewed via a link on our website page about the protest. One of these photos is the banner on our home page. Resisting Assisted Suicide in Colorado Carrie took the lead in organizing a group of disability…

D.C. Area Event: “Better Off Dead?” with Liz Carr – Film screening and panel discussion

…a disability rights and social justice perspective, a perspective that Liz and others believe has been ignored by the media. Until now. This documentary is the culmination of over 15 years of activism; in 2012 Liz visited all the countries where assisted suicide was then legal for a two part BBC World Service radio documentary called, When Assisted Death is Legal. She wrote and performed in the sold out show, Assisted Suicide: The Musical and she…