Denver Post Article Blames “Autism” for Parents Killing Kids – Dick Sobsey Responds

…le by Nancy Lofholm titled Autism’s terrible toll: Parents risk hitting a “breaking point.” In the context of this article “hitting a breaking point” means “murdering your child.” Your autistic child: Jacob Grabe, 13, could sense a storm coming several days out. He would get agitated and make strange noises. Silverware bothered him. He could eat only from plastic forks and spoons. He breezed through complicated algebra but struggled with basic div…

British “Ashley X” – Americans With Disabilities Affirm Katie Thorpe’s Right to Bodily Integrity

…ebral palsy. Her mother, Alison Thorpe, wants doctors to remove Katie’s uterus to help her avoid the pain, “inconvenience,” and “indignity” of menstruation. The clinical director for gynecology, Phil Robarts, is seeking legal approval from the UK hospital system NHS to go forward with the procedure. In the United Kingdom, such a procedure without the consent of the party involved is considered assault, so legal approval would be a first. The surge…

Dissecting Disturbing and Distorted Coverage of Investigation of Nursing Home Deaths (Part 1)

…ofessional: Whitten, who was the primary caretaker for her daughter, was struggling to cope with her daughter’s medical problems, Ramsey said. “I think the health issues were a big factor in this,” Ramsey said, adding: “The family was struggling.” (“Ramsey” refers to Kane County Sheriff Ken Ramsey) Why was this “stupid”? Because in subsequent articles the family itself denied that Betty Whitten was particularly stressed by the support she gave her…

Disability Rights Community Responds to the Tucker Hire

…York State (CDRNYS) • Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center – Tim Fox and Amy Robertson (CREEC) • Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF) – Lillibeth Navarro, Executive Director • Community Access Project, Massachusetts • Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF) • Duane French, a founding member of the Alaska and Washington Chapters of Not Dead Yet • Steve Gold, Attorney • Independent Living Center of Southern Cal…

Disability Activists Testify, Bear Witness and Sing About Opposing Connecticut Assisted Suicide Bill

…Kelly, other disability activists were on hand, as evidenced in the links, videos, and pictures below: Connecticut Post: General Assembly mulls state-sanctioned suicide: HARTFORD — The General Assembly is considering the difficult question of whether a dying person should be allowed to legally take his or her own life with the help of a doctor. The Legislature’s Public Health Committee on Wednesday listened to hours of testimony — mostly in opposi…