New Vlog! HCBS Part 1: First, a Little History

…oblem! Institutionalization is like that pb&j. It’s what our policies were designed to fund, and now getting funding and structural support for anything else is an uphill battle. We’ll talk more about barriers to accessing HCBS in the next video in this series, but understanding this inherent flaw in how HCBS is set up is crucial to understanding what it is. So what services are provided through HCBS? They’re typically broken down into two categor…

Disability Activists Protest Holding Paralympic Torch Ceremony At Site of Disability Massacre

…People with disabilities are controlled and deprived of their dignity and human rights in a “detention camp” which can hardly be called a place of living. How can such a place be the origin of the inclusive society? This false way of demonstrating the will for the inclusive society is not only an insult to people with disability in Japan, but also leads to international recognition of Japan as a state which violates human rights, as the UN Conven…

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…with Certain Fatal Diseases NDY Public Comment on Proposed “Public Charge” Rule of the Dept. of Homeland Security NDY Public Comment To FDA On Patient Focused Drug Development for Chronic Pain NDY Public Comment to the National Council on Disability Urging Reissue of Position paper on Assisted Suicide NDY Public Comment To U.S. Senate Aging Committee About Guardianship & Its Alternatives NDY Public Comment To Virginia Joint Commission on Health Ca…

NDY Board Chair Anne Sommers delivers powerful testimony (video)

…ony or a letter opposing B21-38 “Death with Dignity Act” to the Health and Human Services Committee, the deadline is this Friday, July 24th. Written testimony can be of any length. You should address your testimony or letter to: Committee on Health and Human Services Attn: Malcolm Cameron John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 115 Washington, DC 20004 To deliver it, you can either email it to the committee staffer mcameron@dcco…

Not Dead Yet to Speak at My Medicaid Matters Rally in Washington, D.C. Wednesday

…rker groups, including AARP, ADAPT, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, SEIU and many more. “We need to tell Congress that Medicaid matters!” said Not Dead Yet Board member Mary Lopez, executive director of Independence Empowerment Center in Manassas, VA, who will be speaking on behalf of NDY at the rally. “Certain legislators have proposed block grants which create a lack of accountability for how states spend Medicaid dollars. O…