Disability Activists Protest Holding Paralympic Torch Ceremony At Site of Disability Massacre

…are now protesting a decision to hold the Paralympic Torch ceremony at the site of this horrific massacre, an institution which symbolizes the segregation and dehumanization of people with disabilities. Their Statement protesting this decision is below. Independent Living Center Ring Ring President Etsuko Nakao We are a disability rights organization advocating for community living no matter how severe the disabilities are. We achieve Independent…

John Kelly’s Response to IOM Online Survey or “We Love Our Tubes!”

…. John’s response is also available on the Public Policy section of our website here. – Diane] I am a 55-year-old white man who is a quadriplegic based on a spinal cord injury in 1984. The level of my injury was at the fourth cervical level, resulting in near total paralysis below my shoulders. My breathing ability survived the injury, and after diaphragmatic strengthening, I have breathed without assistance for the last 30 years. I drive a powere…

Apologies and Explanations – Back Online Next Week

…e and I have dealt with previously scheduled events that took us away from online NDY matters. Diane is at the INCIL Retreat today. In addition, I committed to do a presentation at the Fall Conference of the Nonverbal Learning Disorders Association. I’m leaving tomorrow and won’t be back until Saturday night. Here’s the blurb for my session, taken from the list of presenters on the NLDA site: STEPHEN DRAKE, Research Analyst, Policy Analyst and Org…

John B. Kelly’s Response to Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Approaching Death Online Survey

…ckets to dangerous levels because of a pain or irritation below the lesion site. I also have a suprapubic tube inserted directly into my bladder. I have had a wide range of experiences with medical professionals, but they always are a cause of high anxiety. I can simply not trust that a healthcare professional will listen to me, when I tell them what my body needs. The level of ignorance is so high, unfortunately, and the level of arrogance equall…

Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Approaching Death Requests Public Comments Via Online Survey By November 1st

…report, the Committee is providing one last avenue for public input via an online survey, consisting of six open ended questions. The deadline is November 1st. The introduction defines those who are “likely approaching death” very broadly: To help the committee with its work, individuals and organizations are invited to share their thoughts about care for people who are likely approaching death. This includes people who have a serious and progress…