NDY Public Comment on OPTN Proposal Regarding Living Organ Donation by Persons with Certain Fatal Diseases

…an to “communicate the findings of this publication to all local and regional ALS societies in the United States with the goal of spreading its message to more patients with ALS, . . ..” This stacks the deck against adaptation, support and survival. Thus, the Committee’s dubious conclusion is “In the case of living organ donation by persons with certain fatal diseases, although the act of surgery may bring harm, the potential benefits to the recip…

Not Dead Yet and Respecting Choices Announce Successful Collaboration

…esponse to the letter, Respecting Choices began a dialogue with disability advocates, which led to a productive exchange and, ultimately, to substantially revised fact sheets on feeding tubes and breathing supports. These documents are intended to provide consumers, as well as legal and medical advisors, important information for health care decision-making and advance directives. A formal joint announcement can be viewed online on both the Not De…

NDY Celebrating 20 Years in the Fight for Our Lives

…t Dead Yet.” The presence of disabled activists at this fifth Kevorkian trial finally led to a murder conviction, and announced to the world the movement of disabled people against the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Supported by a 1997 position statement by the National Council on Disability, a Resolution adopted by the membership of the National Council on Independent Living, and positions taken by many major disability rights g…

NDY Celebrating 20 Years in the Fight for Our Lives

…t Dead Yet.” The presence of disabled activists at this fifth Kevorkian trial finally led to a murder conviction, and announced to the world the movement of disabled people against the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Supported by a 1997 position statement by the National Council on Disability, a Resolution adopted by the membership of the National Council on Independent Living, and positions taken by many major disability rights g…

Do you LOVE Not Dead Yet?

…virtues! (Be sure to write us and tell us if your letter is published!) Coalition Support. Do you lead a nonprofit that would love to partner with NDY on activities related to issues like assisted suicide, “futile care” policies, surrogate healthcare decision-making, equal rights in organ donation, or just learn more about them? Become an Online Foot Soldier. You already told us you love us, so like NDY on Facebook, subscribe to our blog, and fol…