Vermont: VPR Debate on Proposed “Death With Dignity” Legislation

…as something they supported”. (Fields) The legislation is currently in the Human Services Committee. House Speaker Shap Smith has said he will not bring the bill to the floor for a vote unless he’s sure it will pass. Sweaney says she believes that is likely to happen this session. I’m pleased to report that Ed Paquin is just one of many Vermont disability rights activists actively engaged in the coalition to oppose the latest incarnation of this l…

Arizona: Jury in Final Exit Network Trial Acquits One, Unable to Reach Verdict with Other

…ts website, Final Exit states that “mentally competent adults have a basic human right to end their lives when they suffer from a fatal or irreversible illness or intractable pain, when their quality of life is personally unacceptable, and the future holds only hopelessness and pain.” According to attorneys and her family, Van Voorhis suffered from mental illness but was not suffering from physical illnesses, a fact kept from the jury. I’ll never…

Disability Activists in the UK Push Back Against BBC and Terry Pratchett Promotion of Assisted Suicide

…regard two posts outlining a disability response: Challenging Pratchett & Designer Deaths: Assisted Suicide is deadly discrimination Fantasy novelist Terry Pratchett has already written his life’s final chapter. For it to work, we’d need to destroy medical & human rights legislation and principles protecting sick & disabled people and our lives. Not only is this selfish and arrogant, but should he achieve his goal, many lives would be put at risk…

Breaking News: Billionaire Buys the Rights to Livestream Assisted Suicide of Cancer Patient

…on BattleCam come from the community on it.” In an interview conducted in Russia, where he lives, Ivanisovish said he was “grateful to Mr. David and his team for making this possible. My family will be able to live in prosperity after I pass. May God bless Mr. David for his kindness and generosity.” A little more from Mr. David at the end of the article: In a sense, it seems the decision to stream the suicide engages three of David’s main interes…

Dr. Phil: Promoting Killing People with Cognitive Disabilities – And a Close Encounter in 2002

…ow precisely because he knows what Fieger’s take will be. Next he goes to ‘Ruthi.’ We don’t get to see any videos of Ruthi’s kids. She might be an articulate advocate in other venues, but she’s been outmatched here. Not only does the “I want to kill my kids” mom have the stage, but interruptions by Corriveau and Fieger eat up over half of the little time Ruthi has to voice her objections to what is being promoted that day. Next – he asks for a sho…