In Honor of JJ Hanson

…ths to live; however, he proved the doctors wrong. After J.J. underwent a grueling regimen of surgery, chemotherapy, and an experimental treatment, his cancer subsided. Following his recovery, J.J. became a national advocate for the terminally ill. In his role as President of the Patients’ Rights Action Fund, J.J. worked to prevent the legalization of physician-assisted suicide in New York and other states. J.J.’s experience with cancer, together…

Not Dead Yet – Staff

…ing Denver CERT in 2011, Anita became the first visually impaired CERT instructor for the State of Colorado, and in 2013, became a CERT Program Manager for the State. She has assisted in numerous exercises and real-world incidents with Denver CERT, including serving as a radio communications operator during the Colorado Flood of 2013 and remotely assisting survivors of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in disaster relief in 2017. Anita has written extens…

Sheryl Grossman’s Testimony Opposing Maryland Assisted Suicide Bill HB370

…ary 16, 2017 OPPOSE Madam Chair, Delegates, and fellow citizens, I am here today to oppose House Bill 370, the “End of Life Options Act”. My name is Sheryl Grossman. I have a very rare, genetic condition called Bloom’s Syndrome, so rare in fact that I am the 72nd case ever recorded worldwide, historywide. Back in the olden days when I was diagnosed Dr’s didn’t know much and they advised my parents that I wouldn’t live past 2, maybe 4 (it got longe…

Eleven Disability Organizations File Friend of the Court Brief in Appeal of New York Assisted Suicide Case

…ly only for those with ‘terminal’ conditions, many of us would not be here today,” said Kelly Buckland, executive director of the National Council on Independent Living. “I might not be here today, and I’m grateful that assisted suicide was not legal back then, and I’m committed to keeping it that way.” The brief also expresses concerns about the context of health care cost-cutting in which assisted suicide is being advocated. “In an aging society…

Disability Rights Groups Applaud NY Court of Appeals Assisted Suicide Ruling

…sability rights groups applaud today’s New York Court of Appeals unanimous ruling announcing that “we reject plaintiffs’ argument that an individual has a fundamental constitutional right to aid-in-dying . . . . We also reject plaintiffs’ assertion that the State’s prohibition on assisted suicide is not rationally related to legitimate state interests.”Not Dead Yet led the filing of a Disability Rights friend-of-the-court brief in the state’s high…