Written Testimony of Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware NDY, Opposing HB 150

…land family violence prosecutor Debbie Feinstein said. Only in the fantasy world of proponents are all families, including the thousands of criminally abusive ones, happily gathered around the peaceful and willing suicide.   The House Health & Human Development Committee should not be recommending the introduction of poisonous drugs into abusive situations and then not even require that an independent, disinterested witness be present at the dying…

Oral Testimony of Daniese McMullin-Powell, Delaware NDY, Opposing HB 150

…herapy, but did offer to pay for assisted suicide. The cost of the lethal drug for suicide was about $300.00 When assisted suicide drugs cost significantly less than the cost of treating terminal illness, and patients with limited finances are denied other treatment options by their insurance company, they are, in effect, being steered toward Physician assisted death. This is no longer a matter of choice or dignity. We cannot trade the dignity and…

John Kelly’s Testimony Opposing Rhode Island H 5507

…ed by Oregon law co-author Barbara Coombs Lee last fall at a Connecticut forum. As the online journal CTNewsJunkie reported, “Coombs Lee also said the [Oregon-style] legislation would exclude people with dementia and cognitive declines, since they could not make the choice for themselves. ‘It is an issue for another day but is no less compelling,’” she said. Coombs Lee is now the president of the group Compassion & Choices, the saccharine rebrandi…

DREDF Testimony, Assembly Health Committee 9-1-2015 re AB 2X 15

…notwithstanding what’s required.   Medical complications from the lethal drugs used, have added to any miseries already present for terminally ill patients.   Doctors have urged lethal drugs on sick patients who did not ask for them.   Hollow safeguards and neglectful oversight And it’s not difficult to show that, under the Oregon model mimicked by this bill:   Misdiagnosis and incorrect prognosis, common in medicine, can end lives prematurely.  …

Josue Rodriguez of Tennessee NDY Opposing SB 1362/HB 1040 – Oral Testimony

…fund a second opinion. The second psychologist had the same concerns, but ruled that Kate was competent anyway. On the day that she got back from a nursing home stay as respite for her family, Kate offered to take the lethal overdose. Her family helped her die that same day. Having to choose between a nursing home and a family who sees you as a burden is not a true choice.   There is nothing in this or any other assisted suicide bill that can pro…