Text of Response to Dr. Phil Segment ‘Deadly Consequences’ with List of National, State and Local Signons.

…ree step children, three of whom were described as having “special needs.” Ruthi spoke from the audience, rather than on stage like Ms. Corriveau. There were no videos of Ruthi’s children. She was appalled at the idea of killing people with intellectual disabilities, but was given no more than a minute to speak. Finally, Dr. Phil, you asked for a show of hands from the audience – how many agree that Corriveau should be able to “mercifully” kill he…

Please Support Not Dead Yet With a Year-End Donation

…hanasia and medical killing do not take place in a vacuum, but in the real world where discrimination against disabled people leads to isolation, poor health care, insufficient or non-existent personal assistance services, chronic unemployment, poverty, and exclusion from social, civic and political life. NDY has demonstrated that, where these practices are concerned, the axiom “better dead than disabled” is the basis of decision-making for doctor…

Archdiocese of Boston Newspaper Features Interview with ‘Second Thoughts’ Director John Kelly

The online version of The Pilot – “the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston” – published an article focusing on ‘Second Thoughts‘ and featuring a long interview with the organization’s director, John Kelly. Disabilities group has ‘Second Thoughts’ on assisted suicide By Christopher S. Pineo   BOSTON — A group of Massachusetts residents with disabilities opposing legalized assisted suicide are asking Massachusetts voters to have “second…

NDY quoted in article on New Mexico assisted suicide case

…nough to be justified in their confidence that the patient in this case will not be coerced into assisted suicide, will not be denied care that she wants, will not be treated like an unwanted burden on those around her, and is not at risk of being administered the lethal drugs without her consent. It would be nice if everyone with a difficult illness could have the same confidence. But in the real world, where elder abuse is on the rise, C&C’s pla…

Joseph Fins, Expert on Consciousness, Calls for Temperance re: Organ Solicitation and Severe Brain Injury

…iège University, there is constant pressure in many parts of the developed world to withdraw sustenance from vegetative patients in order to allow them to die so that their body parts can be harvested. In a recent study, Laureys reports, “slightly less than half of surveyed US neurologists and nursing-home directors believed that patients in a vegetative state could be declared dead”. His remarks should be set against the background of widespread…