John Kelly: Revised How-To Guide for Urging Veto if CA Assisted Suicide Bill; Talking Points

…up the lethal dose, and even administering the drug — no witnesses are required at the death, so who would know? The Oregon law has invited every sort of abuse. 3. Mistakes: Misdiagnosis that you are “terminal” can be deadly. People alive today are grateful that assisted suicide wasn’t available when they were diagnosed. People alive today are grateful they found a doctor willing to treat their illness. For more Talking Points and other informati…

Press Release: NDY & 6 Other National Disability Groups Submit Friend-of-the-Court Brief in New Mexico Assisted Suicide Appeal

…ly only for those with ‘terminal’ conditions, many of us would not be here today,” said Kelly Buckland, executive director of the National Council on Independent Living. “I might not be here today, and I’m grateful that assisted suicide was not legal back then, and I’m committed to keeping it that way.” “There is significant evidence that proponents of physician assisted suicide have never intended to stop at the terminally ill,” noted Ari Ne’eman…

Timothy Quill on the Final Exit Network – Is He Lying Deliberately or Just Incompetent?

…etwork will be there to support those who need relief from their suffering today!” “The Network’s Exit Guide Program is available nationwide,” Goodwin said. “With the Network’s compassionate guidance and support, physically and mentally competent adults in all fifty states are free to exercise their last human right — the right to a peaceful, dignified death. “Final Exit Network is the only organization in the United States that will support indiv…

Guest Blog: Susan Dooha on “Lessons Not Learned” in NYC Emergency Shelters for PWDs

…uple of them) and continually raised unresolved issues. In preparation for today, we received assurances that the shelters would be accessible–entries, cots, bathrooms–unlike 9/11. On the strength of this information, we contacted people with disabilities in Zone A areas and advised them of the nearest shelter and encouraged their cooperation in evacuation efforts. Today, to see for myself that they were safe and that we had been properly counsele…

Text of NDY Spoken Comments on Futile Care Laws and Policies Before the National Council on Disability

…riticism about which disability rights advocates should be aware. The Pew Trusts’ Stateline reported that “Oklahoma’s ‘Life-Preserving’ Law Raises Questions for Doctors.”[2] According to the article, Elise Dunitz Brennan, a prominent health care attorney in Tulsa, said she fears doctors will now refuse to inform patients or their proxies of the true risks of some … procedures for fear of being seen as violating the law. These criticisms are mislea…