Second Thoughts CT Protests Conflation of Assisted Suicide and Abortion Issues

…s not equal “Anti-Abortion” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cathy Ludlum 860-649-7110 Stephen Mendelsohn 860-827-8003 (best after 5:30) Second Thoughts Connecticut Facebook: Twitter: Second Thoughts Connecticut Holds Counter Protest to Rally Sponsored by the Connecticut Catholic Conference April 6, 2021 (Manchester, CT) –…

Michael Hickson’s Widow Files Civil Case Against Guardian Agency That Consented To His Death

…xas. The employees were assigned as guardians for Mr. Michael Hickson, a 47-year-old man with multiple disabilities who died at St. David’s South Austin Medical Center (SDMC) in Austin, Texas in June 2020 after being deprived of all life-sustaining treatment including artificial nutrition and hydration for six days. Admitted to SDMC on June 2, 2020, Mr. Hickson was fighting sepsis, a urinary tract infection, pneumonia, and suspected COVID–19, all…

Transcript of radio interview, Second Thoughts CT leader Cathy Ludlum on “For the People”

…a guest talking about Senator Richard Blumenthal’s introduction of new end-of-life legislation at the federal level, and during that program we also learned that there was also some end-of-life legislation that was going to be debated here in Hartford at the State House level during the current legislative session. So then I came to learn about an organization in Connecticut called Second Thoughts CT, and I’m so pleased to have the representative…

Joan Cavanagh: State needs health care, not “death with dignity”

…in Ed Stannard’s Sunday, March 21 article. I have. And I do. But as an anti-war, anti-death penalty, pro-choice, human rights advocate who has been compelled to fight attempts by the medical system to restrict and withhold treatment, I also contend that there is a much larger picture to be considered. As a society, we must make decisions to protect the lives of the most vulnerable among us, not place them in further danger. The relevance of these…

Second Thoughts Connecticut Press Release: Assisted Suicide Is Bad Medicine

…t the Capitol. Perhaps most importantly, they have met with legislators one-on-one or in small groups, and come out in force to participate in public hearings. Things are very different during the pandemic. With legislators primarily working from home, there is no opportunity to set up appointments at the Legislative Office Building or drop in to talk with legislators or their aides. In the past, aides’ names and email addresses were listed on the…