Testimony of Diane Coleman, JD, President/CEO of Not Dead Yet Opposing Hawaii HB 2739

…essionals in a society where an estimated one in ten elders is abused, mostly by family and caregivers. (Lachs, et al., New England Journal of Medicine, Elder Abuse.[8]) The witnesses on the request form[9] need not know the person either. One of them may be an heir (which would not be acceptable for witnessing a property will), but neither of them need actually know the person (the form says that if the person is not known to the witness, then th…

Wendi Wicks’ Hard Hitting Oral Testimony Against NZ End of Life Choices Bill

…nces where that choice gets made? And why would you think that could possibly get codified into a law to adequately protect everyone? Am I saying choice is therefore bad? -no indeed. What I am saying is that there are a million squillion things that make what choice means for me different to choice for you, you or you. Here’s a hint: non-disabled people will have more options on the drop-down menu of choices. And as a verbal disabled person, I’ll…

NDY’s 24th Anniversary: Never Has the Fight For Our Lives Been More Urgent

…dst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the plague scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail hits painfully close to home, as an older man is thrown on a dead body cart, protesting he’s “not dead” – yet. Today, we’re seeing countless medical triage policies that would literally throw older and disabled people away. Never has the need to fight for our lives been more urgent. Our name has a bit of humor as well as a bite to it. Sometimes disability humor can…

Not Dead Yet, NMD United, et al. Sue NY Governor On Ventilator Re-Allocation Guidelines

…have their personal ventilators reallocated to other individuals, especially without another ventilator readily available for their use. 45. The Guidelines permit hospitals to take chronic ventilator users’ personal ventilators upon their arrival into a hospital and place them into the general ventilator allocation pool for distribution to those with higher SOFA scores. Id. at 40. 46. The Guidelines acknowledge that the policy “may place ventilat…

Not Dead Yet UK: Evidence of a Slippery Slope?

…o end their lives in Canada are consistently growing year on year: https://bit.ly/3glUlmp The Canadian Government now propose that in March 2023 it plans to give patients with mental illness alone and no other underlying issues the option for a MAID. Within six years the scope of the assisted suicide legislation in Canada has been amended twice with further amendments planned. More people are now eligible, the death rate is increasing and the prot…