Not Dead Yet’s articles

…/17) A quiet genocide of the disabled in America by Emily Wolinsky (, 06/08/17) #SaveMedicaid Today by Emily Wolinsky (, 06/06/17) The medical consequences of being told you’re terminal when all you are is disabled by Emily Wolinsky (, 05/18/17) On Fear and Humanity in the Trump Era by Bill Peace (Bad Cripple blog, 03/17/17) Stagnation and Lives Worth Living by Bill Peace (Bad Cripple blog, 02/02/17) 2016 People of th…

Not Dead Yet’s Public Comment to U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services on Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Regulations

…s: Require representation by people with disabilities on relevant advisory committees and commissions Enact appropriate requirements regarding composition, standards and procedural protections governing hospital ethics committees Evidence Gathering: Conduct research on scope and nature of problem with questionable health care decisions leading to non-voluntary/involuntary death Conduct independent research on POLST implementation and abuse problem…

NDY’s Public Comment on Affordable Care Act’s Nondiscrimination Regulations

…s: Require representation by people with disabilities on relevant advisory committees and commissions Enact appropriate requirements regarding composition, standards and procedural protections governing hospital ethics committees Evidence Gathering: Conduct research on scope and nature of problem with questionable health care decisions leading to non-voluntary/involuntary death Conduct independent research on POLST implementation and abuse problem…

Action Alert! Speak Out on Proposed Rules for ‘Procuring’ Organs from People with Disabilities

…rous, complex and related to the specific roles they play.’ …They may be uncomfortable recommending the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment for one patient and hoping to obtain an organ for another.” (Steinbrook, R, Organ Donation After Cardiac Death, N Engl J Med 357;3, p. 212, July 19, 2007 pp. 210-211.) The public comment notice acknowledges that preliminary comments urged revisions to: “[e]xplicitly endorse in the Proposal the longstanding…

NDY Comments On Adult Protective Service Guidelines – Assisted Suicide

…oticed. (Sawyer Arraigned on State Fraud Charges,, Sept. 7, 2011. Kate Cheney, age 85, died by assisted suicide under Oregon’s law even though she had early dementia. Her physician had declined to provide the lethal prescription. Her managed care provider then found another physician to prescribe the lethal dose. The second physician ordered a psychiatric evaluation,…