Great Op-Ed By NDY UK Founder Baroness Jane Campbell

…olutions to the social care crisis and continued financial support for our world-class NHS. Last time the House of Commons considered legalising assisted suicide (in 2015), it was rejected by a majority of 212, affirmation that terminally ill and disabled people are entitled to equal protection under the law. What has changed in the last six years to require the issue to be debated again? Certainly not the views of palliative care doctors or geria…

John Kelly Letter Published In Boston Globe

…f the prospect of a state law sponsoring people’s suicides as rational responses to disability. Massachusetts should instead fully fund home care and provide world-class palliative care. Equality under the law depends on it. John B. Kelly Boston  …

DREDF Files Amicus Brief On Behalf of 12 Disability Groups In Euthanasia Case

…quirement secures an essential moral and legislative line between assisted suicide and euthanasia. ———— Organizations signing on to the brief include: Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, American Association of People with Disabilities, Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living, Autistic Self Advocacy Network, Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network, Disability Rights Legal Center, National Council on Independent Living, Not Dead…

John Kelly Op-Ed Opposing Assisted Suicide Bill Published In The Quincy Sun

…o make the request, serve as a witness along with a “friend,” pick up the drugs and, because no disinterested witness is required at the death, administer the drugs themselves. The law grants immunity to anyone who assists in the death who say they acted “in good faith.” Deadly abuse goes unpunished and unnoticed. Third, terminal prognoses are notoriously inaccurate. NPR reported a few years ago that nearly one in five people who enter hospice sur…

PushBlack Podcast: “The Erasure of Black Disabled Voices with Anita Cameron”

…don’t realize that 30 to 50% of those people, who were either murdered or brutalized by the police, are disabled, and we’re talking Black folks alone. 30 to 50% of the people murdered or brutalized by police, Black people, are disabled. Anita Cameron: Oftentimes, it’s not apparent disabilities, like mental health disabilities or autism or other non-apparent disabilities, diabetes, asthma, whatever, but sometimes people, you know, using mobility de…